Page 106 of One More Time

I’m hopefully optimistic. But then again, maybe that’s just because he’s here, he’s touching me. He’s giving me another chance, despite what his roommates think. And he’s not running like he did the other night.

God, I want him to stay.

“Let’s get you inside and into the shower,” Jude says, standing up and offering me his hand.

I stare at it and then grab on to it, standing up on sore legs.

“I don’t think I should go inside with them here,” I say when I see Ollie scowling at me from the doorway. His basket miraculously has more veggies in it, and I wonder how he managed to do that when he hadn’t moved from his spot the entire time.

“You’ll be safe. Don’t worry, I won’t let them hurt you,” Jude says as he leads me through the front door. I see Lucas sulking in the kitchen, his mask on the table. He glowers at me and then runs a thumb across his neck, just to be even more of a psycho.

I turn my gaze away from him and move down the short hallway to Jude’s bathroom where he gently pushes me inside. As soon as the door closes behind us, we stand there, facing one another, our eyes locking.

“I meant to tell you that I got your messages,” he says softly. “I wanted to text you back, but I didn’t have a chance. And now you’re here.”

“Yeah, I was worried when you didn’t respond.”

He nods and moves toward me, helping me strip out of my clothes, leaving me nearly vibrating with need. But I know I don’t deserve him right now. I don’t deserve any of him.

“Let me put these in the wash,” he says, his eyes landing on my bare cock. He swallows, but doesn’t make a move toward it, nor does he comment on my state of arousal. “The towels are under the sink,” he says and then reaches out and brushes a hand across my chest. “I’ll be in my room. I’ll have a change of clothes for you there.”

I nod and as soon as the door closes, I lean against the counter and breathe heavily.

Thank fuck.Thank fuck. We can do this. We can make this work. I know we can and if anything, I’ve only grown more determined.

As soon as I’m showered and back in his room, quickly putting on a pair of his sweatpants and a t-shirt, I sink onto the bed, watching as Jude puts a pillow on his lap, almost like a barrier between us. I hate it, hate that I can’t hold him like I want to. The limited contact we’ve had hasn’t been enough to soothe my bruised and broken heart.

“You look better without lettuce in your hair.”

“Yeah. I think so too,” I say and then Jude tentatively hands me a notepad.

I glance down at it, seeing some hastily scribbled words.

“I didn’t know what to put, but you can take a look and make me a list of things you want me to do as well,” Jude explains.

I stare down at it and read each word slowly.

Cook me a five-course meal from scratch

Sing to me in public

Feed me grapes in a toga

Top me like I’m the nerd and you’re the jock

The last one has my eyebrows shooting up, as well as my dick. Well, shit. I’m not sure if I should be turned on or mortified, but it seems my body likes that idea very much.

“The last one might not be appropriate, but…it makes me really horny to think about so we can try it, if you want.”

The way he breathes those words has me clutching the pencil in my hand.

“Yeah. Me too. We can totally try it.”

We smile at each other and then he gestures for me to scribble my own list. I take my time writing it out, trying to match the same tone of his, and then I hand it back to him.

He clears his throat before reading it aloud. “Get my whole body waxed, including my balls. Geez, Alec.” He smiles and thenreads, “Shoot me in the nuts with a paintball. God, violent aren’t we?” he pauses to look at me, and I shrug.

“You can shoot me in the nuts too.”