Page 39 of Swoony Moon

“You’re grumpy,” I said. “Like a crotchety old man.”

“Did you say Elliot’s distracting?” Rafferty asked Caspian. “As in you want to kiss her in your truck?”

“I don’t have a truck,” Caspian said. “But darn, that mouth of hers is tempting. As is the rest of her. No one in the history of the world has looked as good in an apron. The other day she had this smudge of flour on her cheek, and I wanted to—”

Before he could finish, Thad appeared with a six-pack of beer in his hand.

“Movie over?” I asked him.

“Nemo never disappoints,” Thad said, popping the top off a beer. “Chloe agrees.”

“She’s pretty cute,” I said.

“Adorable,” Thad agreed. “Speaking of which, I wanted to run something by you guys. Sammie needs a job and a place to live. Pronto.”

“Isn’t she staying at the ranch?” I asked. “As a paying guest?”

“Just through Sunday,” Thad said. “She gave me the impression she very suddenly left wherever she came from. Her car’s filled with boxes.”

“Like she’s running from someone?” I asked.

“Kind of, yeah.” Thad shrugged one shoulder. “She didn’t say that exactly, but I get the feeling she’s made an escape from an abusive ex. I saw a bruise on her arm that looked like fingerprints.”

“Really? That’s awful,” Caspian said. “Do you think she’s hiding from him?”

“Yeah,” Thad said. “Maybe she figured Montana was a good place to disappear to.”

“Do you think we could hire her?” Thad asked. “She said she has waitress experience. Do we need anyone at the restaurant?”

Caspian reached for a beer. “Oh, well, sure. We always needextra staff at the holidays. Especially with folks wanting to take time off for Christmas vacations and such.”

“Good. Also, we could rent her a room in the house,” Thad said casually, as if he’d just thought of the idea. Somehow, I didn’t think that was true. My youngest brother had a soft heart. The bigger question: Was he interested in Sammie? She was a pretty, petite blonde. Thad’s type if his girlfriend in high school was any indication. What had happened to Cindy anyway? I would ask Thad about that later.

“Our house?” Soren asked. “The one where we live as happy bachelors?”

“It’s plenty big enough, and we have an extra bedroom,” Thad said.

“Wait a minute, do you like her?” Rafferty narrowed his eyes.

Thad shook his head a little too vehemently. “No, not at all. She’s sweet but not my type. Plus, she has a little girl. Do you really think a guy like me is ready for a family?”

“I don’t see why not,” I said. “You could watch animated movies every day.”

“I could do that with or without a kid,” Thad said.

“You haven’t lived with him lately,” Soren said. “Apparently, he’s never heard of a dishwasher. Definitely not ready for marriage.”

Thad grimaced. “I live with two old ladies. Obsessed with clean countertops.”

“Last time I checked, no one enjoys food poisoning,” Caspian said. “Do you know how much bacteria is spread from raw chicken?”

“Gross.” Rafferty shuddered.

“I’m surrounded by germaphobes,” Thad said.

“In all seriousness,” I said. “Adding a young woman and her small daughter to the household would give the house a very different dynamic. Is that really what you want? A little girlunderfoot could get in the way of your beer-drinking, burger-eating ways.”

Soren shook his head. “I, for one, do not want any of my ways changed.”