Page 49 of Brutal Secrets

“There’s a chopper six minutes behind you. It’s going to take Tia; she’s been sold on the black market.” I slam my fist against the steering wheel.Son of a bitch.“She’s...” He remains silent for a moment longer, then spits his words out so fast I almostmiss them. “She’s pregnant, Bren.” I hear him swallow hard. “They’ve registered her as pregnant on the black market.” My heart sinks.

She’s not just in danger, her baby is too. I don’t want to even imagine the horror that she would endure. Death would be welcome, that’s for sure.

“The kid okay?” I grunt out, changing the subject.

“Yes, she’s fine. Sedated but fine.”

I nod, even though I’m unsure if he can see me. A sliver of relief flows through my body at knowing the little one is okay.

I swerve through oncoming traffic, determined to get there quicker, to give myself more time.

“Bren, please.” Oscar lowers his voice, which leads me to believe one of my brothers is nearby. “It’s suicide.”

“Gonna get her back to her family,” I respond with little emotion. It’s the right thing to do, I know it is. I’d never forgive myself if I did nothing and effectively handed her over to the scum of the earth.

Something tells me the girl has been through enough. I might not want her as family, but I sure as shit want to get her home to hers.

“You’ve gained enough traction,you’re nine minutes ahead now.” Oscar’s voice is monotone as he delivers me information about the offices. He explains it’s like a maze of corridors and I’m best to go for the basement first, as that’s most likely where she’s being kept, then as soon as I enter the premises, I turn left and follow the stairs down. I commit it all to memory, thankful I put a bulletproof vest on before leaving my warehouse and saved a little time.

“Con is on his way in a chopper, backup following him,” Oscar says as I approach the gates. I nod, knowing it won’t make a difference. “Park toward the left side of the building, zone A. There’s a small window leading to the basement, if she’s in there, you might be able to get her through it.”

I nod again, and glance at my satnav: two minutes from my destination.



There’s silence before he speaks again, and a chill spreads over me while waiting. “Thank you.”

I swallow past the lump lodged in my throat at my brother’s words, knowing the enormity behind them. Knowing I was always the one to protect him. Then I clear my throat without addressing him, he doesn’t need me to, he knows I care. They all do.

Slowing on approach, I’m surprised to see how many cars are here, and that feeling of dread hits me tenfold as I casually turn through the open gates of the office block and follow Oscar’s instructions. I take note of the small window and wince; there’s no way in hell she will fit through that.

Still, we gotta try.

“Goin’ in” is the last thing I say to my brother before I open the car door and push it closed. I scan the lot for cameras and am relieved to find them pointing toward the metal fencing lining the lot. Moving quickly, I keep to the shadows. It’s a little after 5:00 a.m., so there’s still a few around, enough for me to get to the door undetected.

I check the handle, and surprise and dread fill me when it opens. Voices filter through as I step inside.

“How much did you say we would get again?” someone asks, but I don’t wait around for a reply.

I move in the opposite direction, turning left. When someone steps out in front of me, I wrap my thick hands around his neck and snap it with ease, then drag his lifeless body back into the room he appeared from and dump him to the floor before moving forward.

Reaching the stairs, a door above me opens. “Hey!” I lift my gun with the silencer attached and put a bullet through his head. His body slumps to the floor, then falls down a dozen or so stairs.

Part of me was hoping I could make it to the basement undetected, but the other part knew I would have no such luck. As soon as either of those bodies are discovered, it’s game fucking over for me, and potentially, Tia and her baby too.

My feet move quickly down the stairs with that thought in mind, and when I reach the bottom, I’m surprised to see no one here. A heavy metal door is dead bolted in three places, and I rush to push each of them aside.


My heart pumps faster.


My blood races.
