Page 39 of Brutal Secrets

“The tracker isn’t working, I don’t understand it.” Lucas shakes his head again. His hair is a frantic mess, his shirt sleeves are rolled high, his collar is wide open, and pain is etched on his face as his fingers scramble over the keys of his computer.

“You think they know we have trackers in them?” Cole asks. His fingers are steepled with his elbows resting on his knees. Out of the three of us, he’s the most controlled. Of course he is,his baby girl didn’t get taken. As soon as the thought enters my head, I regret it and guilt slices through me as I glance down toward Mia squirming in her bouncer. Jesus, this is fucked up. They’re both our babies, and I’d give anything for them.


A sudden need to reassure her floods me, so I go over and lift her from the seat. At her little heart beating against mine and the scent of Thalia on her clothes, I nuzzle into her, then she pulls my hair in her fist and gurgles. Maybe it’s me who needed the reassurance.

“I’ve contacted STORM Enterprises; Owen is on his way.” Lucas’s voice floats around me in the haze of my rage and my devastation while Mia clings to me, grounding me and keeping all my frustrations locked down tight.


Jace holds Mia close to his chest. He’s one step away from exploding, I can feel it in the hostile electricity that runs through the room at warp speed. Glancing up when Mia makes a soft cooing noise, I can’t help but be grateful my daughter has the ability to transform the man I know he can be. Our family is the key to tying us all together, to creating a peace among us that none of us thought was possible. Nor could live without.

A devotion so strong we’re drowning in its darkness.

“Screw Owen. We need the O’Connells, it’s about fucking time they stepped up,” Jace clips out, but his voice remains low, as if to save Mia from his bite.

Adrenaline pumps through me with renewed vigor, and I jump to my feet, quick to support my brother. “He’s right. They’re the fucking Mafia!”

Lucas’s eyes snap up from over the top of the computer screen to meet mine. He gives me a sharp nod before pushing back on his chair to stand, then grabs his car keys. “Let’s go.”

“Can I come?” Our eyes all snap to Kem’s. If I wasn’t so angry with him for letting Tia go into school alone, I’d actually feel sorry for the guy. He’s been sitting in the corner of the room, hisleg bouncing so much so I wanted to snap the fucker off. Besides tapping on his phone and chewing his fingernails, the worry lining his features showed his concern. Jace insisted on him not being part of our discussion, but Lucas wanted him onboard since he’s part of STORM.

My eyes lock onto his swollen jaw, where Jace dislocated it after finding out about Tia and Harper’s disappearance, and I can’t help wanting to mirror his action but cause him more permanent damage, something more deserving for our missing girls. If they’re hurt, I’ll...

“Do it.” He stands and stretches his arms out. “Please, do it. I know you want to. I deserve it, I fucked up.” Anger percolates in my bloodstream, the fury I feel toward him unheard of in me. I want him to pay. I want to punish him for his shitty choices and our girls suffering the consequences of those choices. Suffering. The sickening thought rolls my stomach.

Something snaps inside me, and a foreign sound leaves my chest. A roar so loud I barely register Jace leaving the room with a startled and shrieking Mia.

My fists pummel into him, one after the other, and every part of my anger, frustration, and aggression unleashes on the man we trusted to protect our girls.

He falls to the floor too easily, giving himself over to my pain and allowing me to expel my rage onto him. As I land blow after blow, the fear oozes from me and bleeds into his eyes, as if he knows I’m capable of killing him.

A warmth heats my shoulder, and in that split second, my anger is dissipated by a simple touch. “Enough. He’s had enough.” Lucas’s smooth, controlled voice filters through my senses, and as always, he infiltrates my bloodstream, a bond like no other.

Apart from her.

Our girl.

“Enough,” he repeats before stepping back, taking the connection with him.

I drop my fist and swipe the splattering of his blood from my face.

If there was ever any doubt of our devotion to our family, it’s clear now.

We’re drowning in a sea of darkness, but our darkness binds us. It shows our devotion, it makes us complete.




The locks sliding open have me startling and shuffling back on my ass until my wrists are pressed against the wall.

My head swims, and my breasts ache to release milk, and the soul-destroying feeling of not knowing where my daughter is has panic crippling my ability to breathe.

Heels click against the cement, along with a thud of heavy boots as the room closes in around me. When I finally gather the courage to look up and face my captors, I’m not surprised to see the sheer glee on Mrs. Lancaster’s face. She always was a joyous bitch in my misery.