Page 32 of Brutal Secrets

“Fucking kiddie fiddler needs slaughtering,” Finn seethes. His leg bounces, and the damn toothpick he chomps on looks fit to snap.

His woman, Angel, was raped by a gang and gave birth to our uncle’s child, a product of the assault, but that little girl is the apple of Finn’s eye. He’s the best damn daddy any kid could wish for. His protectiveness knows no bounds, but the guilt at what happened to Angel constantly eats away at him.

“You’ll get your chance to deal with him.” My eyes meet Finn’s, and he gives me an abrupt nod.

“Have you told them about what we discovered?” Finn queries, lifting his eyebrow toward me.

When I asked Oscar to look into the Lancasters for me, he came back with information proving Timothy Lancaster has a thing for young boys. He also discovered there were numerous files locked away, and I want that information before we end him. Oscar agreed if we make a move on him that information could simply disappear, and something tells me there’s so much more to this than meets the eye, and I want to make sure none of that shit involves my woman.

“Ain’t told them shit yet,” I respond while sitting back in my chair.

He sighs heavily. “I don’t like the thoughts of that piece of shit out on the streets, he must know it’s them who drained his accounts, and that fucking wife of his going to the kid’s school?”

I sigh and drop my head, feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders, because deep down, I know Finn is right, and this whole situation makes me antsy.

“You need to tell her, brother,” he implores, the conviction behind his words makes my head rise to face him.

Finn never questions me, ever. But the way he’s looking at me now has me reconsidering my reasoning for keeping Sky in the dark.

“Not your fucking business,” I snap out and push away from the table, done with this goddam conversation, then make my way toward the door.

“Too many secrets, too many lies. Ain’t no good gonna come from it, brother.” Finn’s words send a chill through my body. They slice through me, causing my heart to constrict at the memories of the secrets that were kept hidden within our own family, secrets and lies that destroyed us one by one, all unnecessary, each as brutal as the last.

His words haunt me as I stride toward my car with a new purpose in mind. I need to tell my woman she has a family.

But how?

I openthe door to my home, and straight away, the smell of paint assaults me. Jesus fucking Christ it smells like a workshop in my goddamn foyer.

“Da!!!” Seb runs toward me, and I bend down, scooping him into my arms while gifting him with a kiss to his warm cheek. A whack in the gut has me glancing down to Sam using a lightsaber to attack my stomach. “Take that, you stiff!” He hits me again, and my eyes bug out at the pain radiating in my stomach.

“Sam, knock it off.” I push him away, but he comes at me again with a new determination.

“You ordered the wrong paint.” Her sweet voice wraps around me as I take hold of the damn lightsaber and launch it to the other side of the room.


“The paint, you ordered the wrong one. You ordered industrial paint, not the one I chose for the nursery.”

“I didn’t order shit.” I place Seb down, and he runs off with Sam.

“He’s green, Bren.”

My head hurts with the racket the boys are making, and now my woman is talking in riddles.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and take a deep breath before meeting her sparkling blue eyes; the ones that hit me in the chest every time I look at her.

“Sweetheart, you’re gonna have to help me out here, been a long ass day.” I sigh.

“Isaac got into the paint somehow. It’s industrial, Bren.” Her eyes implore mine with an urgency I don’t yet feel. I mean, how bad can it be?

Zachary starts with his wailing, adding to the throbbing at my temple. The kid is in the downstairs nursery at the back of the house, and I can still hear him. Probably wants his momma’s tit again.

I open my mouth to ask her how bad Isaac is, but when he shuffles his diaper-clad butt into view, I get to see for myself. The little man has a bright-green face, painted hands, and, fuck me, even his feet are green.

My body jerks, and I roll back on my heels. “Fuck, he looks like an alien.”

“Hence the lightsabers.” She waves her hand toward the boys now bouncing on the furniture with their lightsabers swinging in the air.