Page 14 of Brutal Secrets

Jace steps aside and lets me slide into the booth next to Lucas, and I take the opportunity to place my hand on his thigh and give his leg a gentle squeeze. Immediately, his body stills as a response to being touched in public, but then he eases beneath my touch, and when he places his hand over mine, I melt against the seat at the comfort.

I’m surrounded by three strong, loving men.

They’re brutally devoted to me and our little family. What more could a girl want?

Cole feeds Mia her bottle, and Harper colors her menu while singing.

“Hi, my name is Candy, and I’m your server today. Are you guys ready to order?”

I lift my head from the menu, and my eyes latch on to Candy’s. She’s probably in her early to mid-thirties, and her white blouse is pulled tight and her apron even tighter, cinching in her narrow waist and emphasizing her bust. She drags her tongue over her bright-red lips in an action I can only imagine is trying to be seductive. With her eyes glancing over the table, I ignore her and clear my throat. “Can I get a classic burger with cheese and a Diet Coke, please?”

“Sure.” She doesn’t so much as give me eye contact as she notes my order down.

“Chicken Cesar salad, please.” She gifts Lucas a swift nod and bright smile, but I don’t miss the way her eyes travel over my guys again, and I hate her for it.

Jace drapes his arm over my shoulders, and I swear it’s a territorial move, like he’s letting her know I belong to him, or he belongs to me. I’m not quite sure, but either way, he’s pitting us as a couple. Her eyebrows furrow as if she’s trying to figure out the dynamic of our relationship. “Bacon cheeseburger with fries and a strawberry milkshake,” he tells her without taking his eyes off me, then he places a slow kiss on my cheek, a deliberate move I can’t help but smirk at.

Harper taps a crayon against her chin. “Can I have the same as my dad, please. A bacon cheeseburger and fries with a strawberry milkshake.”

Candy shifts on her feet and her shoulders drop at the realization that Jace is in fact taken, and he has a child with me. She fakes a smile, then notes down the order.

“How about you, big guy?” She points her pencil toward Cole while her eyes travel leisurely over him, then she licks her lips, and my eyes widen at her blatant attraction toward him. Roaming my eyes over Cole, I take in what she’s seeing, his broad shoulders straining against his signature white T-shirt, exposing the muscles beneath. His bright-green eyes dance with mirth as he continues smiling down toward Mia, completely in awe.

Lucas chuckles to himself as anger builds inside me. Every hair on my body stands on end as stars practically dance in her eyes and jealousy swirls in mine.

His eyes snap up from being enthralled by Mia’s face; he’s completely oblivious to the fact the server is practically eating him with her eyes. “I’ll have a triple cheeseburger with fries, a side of chicken tenders, and a triple-chocolate milkshake.” He taps his stomach. “I’m a growing guy.” He grins.

She licks her lips again, ensuring he sees the action. “I’m sure you are.”

Lucas splutters his water, and I grab the napkins, thrusting them into his hands.

“So, who is this little cutie?” She leans toward Mia, and my entire body tenses at her proximity to my baby. Irrational jealousy coupled with a need to protect my babies courses through me, and I grit my teeth to keep from lashing out.

Cole’s eyebrows furrow before he jolts, as though realizing something, then he shifts Mia and places her in his arm farthest from the server, and I swear I love him a little more for that move alone.

“She’s my daughter.” His large palm spans Mia’s back as he pats her little butt.

“And he’s one of my dads too,” Harper chimes in, leaning over the table and giving Candy a proud smile I feel in my bones.

Candy’s head rears back, and she laughs, then she shakes her head, as if dismissing Harper’s words as nonsense.

“That’s nice, honey.” She turns her attention back to Cole. “So... you’re the baby daddy. Is Mom not on the scene?” She thrusts her chest out, and I swear the buttons on her blouse are bursting to pop.

Okay, I want to rip her head off. I scrunch up the napkin in my lap, twisting it between my fingers until it tears.

“My girl and our girls’ momma is sitting opposite me”—he nods in my direction—“and as you can see, she has three men completely devoted to her, so if this is an attempt to come onto me, I ain’t interested.” Cole’s grin encompasses his face. “But it’s sweet of you to try, sweetheart. Now, if you can hurry with that order, you already know I’m starving.” Then he leans closer and lowers his voice. “For some action with my girl and my brothers too, you get me?” He winks, then meets my gaze.

Candy’s eyes widen.

“Yeah. He ain’t interested,” Harper parrots, and I want to high-five our little girl.

Her mouth falls open like a gaping fish, and I’d love nothing more than to fill it with my fist. “I’ll... I’ll go put you order through.” She stumbles backward, then darts away.

“She totally wanted me, beauty.” Cole’s toothy smile makes me exhale in relief on a chuckle.

Jace snorts and rolls his eyes.

“She did,” I confirm.