Page 47 of Brutal Secrets

A gasp lodges in my throat as I try to register her words.Subject? Bids?Just what the fuck are they planning on doing to me? And does this affect Harper too?

Stars dance in my eyes as panic builds so strong my chest feels like it’s closing in.

A tsk of disgust oozes from Mrs. Lancaster. “Ignore her, she always was such a drama queen.” Then she claps her hands. “Hurry, I have a chopper coming to collect her shortly.”

The man, who I now think is a doctor, kneels beside me, and I attempt to shuffle away, but my mind is hazy. When a blow hits my cheek, I’m not even sure if I’m still upright, but the throbbing pain in my temple clues me in. She hit me so hard I hit the floor.

So when the sleeve of my shirt is ripped open and a sharp sting in my arm occurs, I’m little more than a “subject.”

My eyes flutter closed as I float into a dream, or is it a memory?

I’m not quite sure, but his presence brings me warmth, and those gray eyes bring me love.

And when he accepts my gift, he brings me relief.

Because I know everything will be okay.

I know I’m just as devoted as they are.


The moment Owen gave the signal, I tore out of the SUV and stormed toward the property.

We keep our bodies low as we make our way toward the heavy wooden doors. Then, on signal, Owen kicks them in, and while I hear multiple guns being fired from the inside, I remain on target.

I need to get to Harper and bring her out safely.

It takes a minute for my eyes to adjust to the darkness of the room, and I wish I’d had the foresight to grab a pair of the night vision goggles that Cal and Owen wear. Following through with the plan, Luca and his team clear the ground floor before moving toward the basement, and my stomach flips thinking about what could be down there. I know without a shadow of doubt I was purposely kept out of there. Dread lines my stomach with each step I take up the spiral wooden staircase toward the first floor and farther away from that basement.

On reaching the landing, Owen uses his hand to signal for Cal to go left, while I remain with him and follow the corridor to the right.

Movement catches my eye, and I’m relieved when Owen saw it too and shoots him between the eyes as he steps out from beyond a door. My hand tightens on my gun, and my heart races as I get closer to her room.

Owen turns to face me and gestures for me to step to the side of the bedroom door. I give him a nod and hold my breath. With anxiety rippling through me, he swings open the door, then freezes in the doorway, causing my whole body to flood with dread. His demeanor has me moving without thinking, and the moment I step up behind him, my heart tears in two and falls to my feet. Only dread now consumes me.

Timothy Lancaster has a gun trained on Harper’s forehead where she lies on the bed, appearing to be asleep. A whimper escapes my throat at knowing my daughter is still very much alive, judging by the way her chest moves up and down, but is potentially moments away from that not being the case.

“Here’s what’s going to happen.” My eyes flick up toward Timothy, and my mouth becomes dry. His suit is crumpled, he has red rings beneath his eyes, and his usually careful sideswept hair is a mess. He’s unraveling, and it’s terrifying because this guy holds my daughter’s life in his hands. “You’re going to let me leave here, and I let her live.”

“You won’t get far,” Owen spits out, and I want to throat punch him, rendering him speechless. That’s my little girl’s life he’s toying with.

“Your men are going to leave the property, I have a chopper landing”—he glances at his watch—“in two minutes.” My heart skips a beat at how close we came to losing them. “When I board the chopper, I release the girl.”

“You’re a wanted man, Mr. Lancaster.” What the fuck is Owen saying? My eyes implore him to shut the fuck up.

“That’s Senator Lancaster to you,” he quips with malice in his sneer.

Owen chuckles, and I seriously consider putting the gun to the motherfucker’s head. “Ex,” he taunts. I breathe through my nostrils, trying to rein in the rage I feel. The way I want them to suffer is nothing compared to anything I’ve ever felt before. If that gun wasn’t pointed at my little girl, I’d tear them both apart, limb by limb.

“Do you think you’ll get far?” Owen goads, and I step forward, prepared to put an end to this bullshit, but a hand signal behind his back makes me still. It’s only then I realize he’s biding time. He has a plan.

“I’ve always managed to evade justice. I’m sure I’ll manage.” He smiles.

The sick fuck seriously thinks we’ll let him get away with this?

“I think we’d rather see to your justice, yours and your wife’s.” Owen grins.

Timothy turns his head, a sadistic smile encompassing his face and transforming him from a put-together businessman to a sinister monster in the blink of an eye. “Ahhh, the office.” He smirks. Owen jolts at his words, and my mind whirls at the insinuation.