Page 44 of Brutal Secrets

“Meaning?” I snap at his evasive response.

Oscar sits forward. “Meaning someone is behind them keeping the house. Someone is protecting them, hence the reason we want the FBI files.”

“And where are we on that?” Lucas asks. The color still hasn’t returned to his face, and it makes me wonder what the hell went down during the short time I was out of the room.

“Our man has made a move,” Luca responds dryly and somewhat evasively.

“ETA?” Owen asks.

“No, I don’t have a fucking ETA!” Luca looks like he’s ready to explode. “If your trackers had been working like they should have, I wouldn’t be sitting here right now.”

My blood boils with unadulterated rage. How fucking dare they squabble when my girls are missing, and this prick talks like they’re an inconvenience. “I’m so fucking sorry for keeping you because my kid and woman got kidnapped,” I snipe out, and the disdain oozes from me.

His dark eyes turn toward mine; they’re so cold and calculated I’m forced to suck in a deep breath. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone look so demonic.

“Apology not accepted,” he responds.

The door to the office swings open, and Finn walks in and throws a bulletproof vest in Cal’s direction, and they begin securing their vests. I spring to my feet. “I’m coming with you.”

“That’s not a good idea.” Owen slams his laptop shut and stands. Not for the first time, I’m shocked at his height and build. He’s like a bigger version of Cole. I shake my head at the thought as adrenaline to get Harper back floods me.

“I don’t care what you say. She’s my little girl, I want to be the first person she sees.” His eyes flit toward Luca, and I know who holds the control in this situation. Quickly, I turn toward Bren because he seems to be more reasonable when we mention family.

“She’s probably scared, and she’ll be fucking terrified with you guys going in there. I’m her dad. I’m going.” I cross my arms over my chest and stand firm.

Bren drags his hand over his cropped hair.

“Do you know how to use a weapon?”

Luca’s voice surprises me, and I spin to face him. “Yeah, of course.” I nod, and the glimmer of hope that he’s allowing me in on this mission to save my own fucking child shines through.

He throws a handgun in my direction, and I catch it, check the magazine, and secure it behind my back.

“Oscar, I want a location on Tia, ASAP. Utilize Lucas. Con, Cole you’re locking down this warehouse. Until we have them back, you’re guarding her.” Bren swoops his hand in Mia’s direction, and Cole and Con nod.

“I want them dead. All of them. I want them gone.” Lucas’s cold voice filters through the air as he stares into space. Something is off with him, and when he tugs his knife from his pocket and strokes it, I know he’s lost the motherfucking plot.

“Are you all ready?” Bren asks. Each man grunts in approval as we leave the room, but, for some reason, my eyes continue tobe drawn toward Lucas and his aimless gaze. As I step through the door, dread fills my stomach lined with uncertainty.

Oscar’s voice filters through the door as it swings shut, enclosing him with Lucas and Cole. “I think you and I need to talk. Don’t you?”




Staring up at the imposing Victorian mansion, I freeze and my blood turns to ice. The iron gates are open but they’re far from welcoming. Vines are growing up the walls of the outside of the building, and it appears empty, with not a single light on, car in sight, or curtains hanging in the windows. No, the place looks abandoned.

My stomach rolls at the eeriness, and the hairs on the back of my neck rise as Owen runs through the plan once again.

I already know what’s going to happen, so I zone out as I peer toward the house. Cole explained how scared Thalia would be when coming to visit Harper, and seeing it for the first time, I understand. What our girl has endured at the hands of the Lancasters has been nothing short of cruel, and now that they’ve overstepped, I’ve even more reason to want to end them both.

“Two minutes and counting,” Owen says into his earpiece.

In two minutes, we will storm the house, and while Cal, Owen, and I go in the front, Luca will cover the back, along with a dozen men, giving me the confidence I need in getting Harperout safely. And Finn, who is scaling the walls as we speak, will enter from the attic, so we have every angle covered.

Bren has been sent to the Lancasters’ abandoned office block. Apparently, Mrs. Lancaster was reported there earlier, so he’s intercepting her and bringing her back to Luca’s basement. Even the fucking thought of him having a basement sends a chill through me. It’s a fucking torture chamber, call it what it is.