Page 22 of Brutal Secrets

“How much does he want for all of this?” Cole waves his hand toward the laptop.

“Not a damn thing.” My eyes lock with his, and his face falls solemn, knowing the implication behind it. The O’Connell family wants nothing from us.

Literally nothing to do with us.

With Tia and the girls.

Cole bites into his lip so hard I’m surprised it’s not bleeding. “Right, nothing. Fuckers,” he grits out.

“Probably for the best.” Jace shrugs. “I mean do we really want to get involved with a fucking Mafia?”

“No,” I reply with ease. As much as it would be nice for Tia and our girls to have an extended family, we’re all she needs. Besides, the security alone would be a logistics nightmare when we have fights taking place. Plus, I can control things right now. If we were heavily involved with the Mafia, our hands would be tied. No, I like things just the way they are. With that in mind, I delete the email from Cal O’Connell that told me to give Brentime to come around in being open to creating a relationship with us.

Jace drops the capsule back in the box, then turns to face Cole. “The only thing we need the O’Connell family for is this. After that, they can go fuck themselves.” He stares at Cole a moment longer than necessary. Cole doesn’t argue—always the peacemaker.

“Right,” he quickly agrees. As if he had to think on it and then changed his mind. I shake my head, thinking about how easily he can be manipulated yet my cock thickens at the notion.

“Tonight?” Jace taps on the desk, then points toward the box.

“Tonight.” I nod with an expression of indifference, hoping I’m containing my excitement well. When inside, I feel like I will combust at the prospect of fucking Tia while she sleeps.

Jace turns on his heel and heads out the door while Cole lingers around my desk, so I snap my eyes up to his in annoyance.

“You need any help with those?” He points toward the box.

I sit back in my chair and widen my legs to allow my cock to grow in the tight constraints, and his eyes find my groin instantly before they dart away. He shifts from foot to foot, and I can’t help but toy with him. “I’m sure I can handle having Tia semiconscious.” I smirk back at him, the implication evident.

He licks his lips, and my gaze latches on to the piercing in his tongue, remembering the feel of it flicking over my balls as I entered our girl.Fuck. My pulse races at the memory I’ve fought so hard to suppress, as I am worried where my desires will take me.

“You can help, if you want?” I lift a shoulder, as if it’s nothing, but in reality, I’m offering him a lifeline to join me in my deviant sexual fantasies.

His lip twitches and his chest swells. “Yeah?” His voice is full of expectation, and it pisses me off that he might be expecting something more from me than what I have to offer.

I throw down the pen—I’m not sure when the hell I even picked it up—and lean back in my chair. “Jesus, Cole. You asked and I said fine. Either come, or don’t. I don’t care.”

My scowl sharpens, but his eyes fill with jest and his eyebrows wiggle. “Oh, I’ll be coming, and I’m pretty sure you will too.”

A laugh bubbles inside me, but somehow, I tamper it down, and just like that, not only has my night gotten a whole lot more promising, my mood has changed too.

I push back in my chair and stand. Dusting off the invisible lint from my shirt, I head toward the door.


My feet stop at my name, and my hand freezes on the door handle as I glance over my shoulder. “You might want to contain your boner.” He points toward my groin, and I grumble to myself as I adjust my raging cock into my waistband.

Tonight will be one to remember.

For some of us, at least.




Giving the girls their injections was easy despite Jace being difficult. He stood in front of their sleeping forms like a rabid guard dog until I insisted there was no other way and this was the safest option for the girls. Then he relented enough for me to step closer. Only to have a change of heart as I lowered myself onto the floor beside Harper’s bed. It took Cole restraining him in a headlock while I quickly coated both girls with a numbing gel at the base of their necks, then inserted the tracker capsule. Neither of them made a murmur, completely unaware of their fathers battling with one another on the floor.

Cole released Jace, then he flung open the door to their rooms, stomped out, and headed toward our gym.