Page 20 of Brutal Secrets

Lucas kneels between his legs, places a tender kiss on each of my ass cheeks, then parts them to wipe me clean. “I should just lick you clean, shouldn’t I?” he mumbles. “Next time.” He slaps my ass harder this time as he rises from the bed, throws the cloth into the laundry bin, and slides in beside us.

“I wonder if you’re pregnant now, Tia.” He pushes my hair from my shoulder, and I turn to face him. “I wonder if you’re so full our seed is taking form, creating a baby for us.” Cole’s cock swells inside me at his words, and as if knowing it, Lucas smirks.

“Be a good girl and take my brother’s cock for Daddy.” He licks his lips, and I whimper.

I’m done for.




Knowing Cole left to go fight has me pissed. He acted like a jealous idiot, and as much as I want to give in and experience my needs freely with him, I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to. Feeling his cock slide against mine inside Tia is probably as good as it will ever get. Truth be told, I’m okay with that because it’s the most incredible feeling in the world, having them together like that. Owning them.

Both of them.

But when he called me “sir,” it was like dousing me in a bucket of freezing cold water, chilling me to my core, which is why I am where I currently am.

Sifting through the piles of paperwork I keep hidden in my drawer.

Files of secrets.

Files of lies.

Every one of them as seedy and sordid as the next. So damn twisted, it tarnished each and every thing that it touched.

Until I reach her.

My hand trembles as I pick up the photo of her, and my heart flutters at her beauty. It’s a photo of one of the occasions I broke into her apartment and sat and watched her while she slept. I remember it like it was yesterday. Before both the guys had her, she was mine. Before she even realized it, she belonged to me.

Even before this photo. Before me stepping into her apartment.

She was always mine.

The softness of her breathing filled the room and, in turn, filled the void inside me. She’d mumble incoherent words in her sleep, and I’d step closer, trying to make them out but failing every damn time... I wanted so desperately to reassure her but couldn’t. After all, I’d broken into her apartment, watched her every fucking move, and more importantly, nobody had a clue I was even there. Definitely not Tia.

Did she have nightmares like my own? Or were her nights filled with memories of Jace? Calming her.

Until that one night, the last night I broke in before sending Cole to her. I toyed with her hair as she slept, taking in the glow of the blonde beneath the light she left on in the small living space just outside her door. When her eyes fluttered open and she stared straight at me, I froze as time stood still. My body filled with panic, but just as my mouth opened to explain, she closed her heavy eyes and mumbled, “I hope you’re safe.”

Was she talking about me?

Now knowing about Harper, perhaps it was her she was dreaming about.

It’s clear Tia doesn’t hold some of her memories. I know too well what childhood trauma can do to you, and it pains me yet reassures me at the same time.

A loud pounding against my office door has me dropping the photograph and scrambling to shove the contents of the file back into the folder before dumping them in the drawer, then Islam it closed, lock it, and put the key in my pocket. Slowly, my breathing settles as another pound against the woodwork makes me wince.

“Lucas, open the fucking door!” Jace bellows. I inhale through my nose, trying to tamper my bubbling temper. He’s so damn aggressive lately, and it’s bordering on unhinged again.

I press the small button beneath my desk, allowing him access to my office, and instantly regret it. His face is twisted in anger, a flush travels up his tattooed neck, and his hair is messy, telling me he’s been tugging on the strands in frustration.

“What’s the problem?” I clip out as if I don’t already know.

He scoffs obnoxiously loud. “What’s the fucking problem?” He swipes the stacked paperwork from my desk onto the floor, and I sit back in my chair and let him have his tantrum. “What’s the fucking problem?” he bellows louder.

The office door flies open, and Cole walks in wide-eyed, then tugs his T-shirt over his wet head, as if he’s recently showered and the disturbance made him spring into action. His eyes volley from mine to Jace’s. “What’s happening?”