“The inmate who confessed told them he had broken Andy’s ankles before repeatedly stabbing him. Andy was left slowly bleeding out for forty-five minutes before the last count. With the confession, they won’t do an autopsy unless you push for it, since you were technically still married.”

Connor stiffens at the information, but I don’t respond, instead just nodding and pulling Connor closer to me. We walk out of the room and head out to the Tesla. I’m in such a daze after what just happened, I don’t even realize that we’ve made it back to Connor’s house until he parks and opens my door to help me out.

“Mo ghrá, what do you need?” He pulls me into him as I stand from the passenger seat.

“I don’t know.” I sigh. “Is it wrong that I’m thankful he’s gone and he can’t hurt anyone else? Does that make me a bad person?” I bite my bottom lip. “I was honestly more worried about Naomi and her baby. I can’t imagine what was going through his mind.”

“It’s not wrong, my love. You just need time to process. Let me know what I can do to help, okay? Don’t try to go it alone. Remember I’m here.” He wraps me in a tight embrace and presses his lips to my temple.

I haven’t shed any tears since I received the phone call that night, but something about this moment allows my emotions to break free of the wall I had been keeping them locked behind.

“Just hold me? Please?” I whisper into his chest.

Without a word, he lifts me into his arms and carries me to his bed. We lie there together in silence until the tears dry and darkness pulls me into unconsciousness.

Several hours later, I wake up to the doorbell. Connor gently untangles me from his warmth, and I sit up.

“Who is it?” I ask, my voice coated in sleep.

“It’s Amy. I texted and asked her to come by. It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it. I just wanted her close so you can have as much support as you need.”

His gentle smile elicits another round of tears. This time, though, they’re tears of joy and relief.

“Thank you.” I pull off the covers and stand from the bed, walking to him and jumping into his arms. “Thank you for taking care of me like you do. I love you so much.”

Our lips find each other for a quick kiss before he sets me down to answer the door.

“I love you. I’ll show you just how much later.” He smirks over his shoulder, making me giggle.

Chapter Thirty-Seven


I rush to the door before I take advantage of a shitty situation just to make her feel better physically. I adjust my dick in my pants before welcoming Amy into my home. That’s the last thing she needs to see.

“Hey. She’ll be out in a minute. She just woke up.” I motion for her to come in.

I lead Amy to the living room, where she makes herself comfortable in my armchair, strategically leaving the couch empty for Hadley and me.

Hadley comes out to the living room, her hair braided at the nape of her neck. She’s changed into a pair of yoga pants and one of my sweatshirts, making me smile. I love seeing her in my clothes; it fuels this primal, possessive part of me that has claimed her as my own.

I pull her into my arms and press another quick kiss to her lips. “I’ll let you two talk. Let me know if you need anything.”

“Stay?” She looks at me through her lashes. “Please?”

I simply nod and sit next to her on the couch. She’s leaning into my side, so I wrap my arm around her, pulling her in tight.

Amy clears her throat. “So, tell me how you’re feeling.”

Hadley takes in a deep breath before blowing it out. “I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders.” I feel her relax even more into me with the statement. “We got a lot of detail about what happened from his lawyer, so that’s still sinking in, but I feel relieved. I didn’t believe his torment would end if he ever got out, so I can breathe again.”

“That’s good that you’re not holding on to any feelings of guilt. You have really grown so much, but I think both Connor and I are worried that with this happening, it could lead you down a dark path again that no one wants to see you take.” Amy’s gentle tone gives voice to my fear without judgment.

“I know, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried.” Hadley’s smile is weak. “I know you and I have had this conversation before. I can only control how I react to a situation.” She pauses for a brief moment before she pulls my gaze to hers. “I feel content, though. With my life, with where I am emotionally, spiritually, and physically. And with you. Withus.”

“Tá mé i ngrá leat. Irrevocably and beyond words.” A rogue tear trails down my face as I press my lips to her temple.

“Tá mé i ngrá leat,” she repeats to me her eyes glistening with unshed tears.