Ignoring her, I slowly slide the already-soaking tiny scrap of fabric down over her round ass and down her legs. I press my lips against her pelvis, locking eyes with her as I lower my mouth to her soaking cunt. Her breath catches as I dip my tongue into her slit, her moans becoming louder. I slide a finger inside her tight pussy, finding the spot inside her that causes her undoing. I feast on her like she’s my last meal as my finger torments her. I feel her contract around me as her body trembles in her release.

Her screams nearly have me prematurely coming in my pants like a teenage boy. I tug my slacks open and pull them down, releasing my erection, the tip coated in a light gleam, evidence of my arousal.

Before she has a chance to fully come down from her climax, I tap my cock against her already-sensitive clit, causing her to buck her hips up toward me. I smirk down at her beautiful body covered in a light sheen of sweat before sliding inside, giving her no time to adjust as I bury myself to the hilt.

I groan at the sensational feeling of her tight channel. Her moans grow louder in protest as I pull out nearly completely just to thrust back inside her, repeating at a steady pace. Her hands claw at my back with each deep plunge. I feel her pussy start to tighten around my cock, and I lean down, crushing my lips against her once more as I drive into her. Her sobs of pleasure are muffled by our kiss as her pussy convulses aroundme, squeezing me so tight I see stars. My balls tighten for mere seconds before I empty myself inside her.

I pull out, enjoying the sight of my release dripping down her thighs, and press a chaste kiss against her lips before I stand to find a towel to clean us both off. Once I return, I sit her on the couch, pulling her as close to me as I can without sliding inside her again, though my cock is already twitching at the thought.

We sit there for several hours in a comfortable silence, just enjoying one another’s presence. I can feel her mind spinning out of control when she takes a deep breath.

“Mo ghrá, what’s got the wheels in your mind turning?” I ask as I gently comb my fingers through her hair.

“I don’t want to ruin this moment,” she says, burying her face in my chest.

“Nothing you say will ruin this moment. What is it?”

She huffs a laugh like she doesn’t believe me before she finally responds. “He hasn’t signed the papers, and I’m so afraid he will get out. I don’t want him to try to hurt you again.”

“Between what he did to you and the surveillance footage from the office, there is no way he will walk. I will spend every cent I have to make sure he never gets out.”

“Stay with me?” she whispers like she’s afraid of my answer.

“You are mine. Never forget that, mo ghrá.” I hold her closer to me. “You wouldn’t be able to get me out of here if you held a gun to my head.”

I chuckle, and she freezes in my arms.

“Too soon, baby,” she groans as she cuddles closer into me.

Chapter Thirty-Three


Six months later

Connor and I have been nearly inseparable since our reunion, going back and forth between my tiny apartment and his beautiful home. He’s never once complained about the lack of space at my apartment, and even when we’re at his place, he’s never too far. The only time we’re apart is when we have to be at work. I’m finally teaching full time again; the amazing feeling of enriching my students lives makes everything I’ve been through worth it.

Andy’s trial came and went several weeks ago. I chose to testify in the judge’s chambers, too afraid to be in the same room and face him. I wasn’t scared for myself, though. I knew the officers in the courtroom wouldn’t let him attack me. I was worried about what Connor would do that could land him in a cell next to Andy. The sentencing proved to be on my side as well: he was found guilty of two counts of attempted murder. The judge gave him the maximum sentence: twenty years for me and twenty for Connor, to be served consecutively.

I’m sitting in the waiting room of Grove City prison, a forty-minute drive from home on the highway. My lawyer, Danielle Davies, is sitting next to me as we wait to be called back. I know Connor is going to be livid when he finds out, but this is something I need to do alone, not only for myself, but for us. I won’t be able to completely move forward until this is done, and Andy has made it abundantly clear that he won’t do what I want unless I see him one last time.

A tall, muscular black man with a shiny bald head stands by a metal detector. He calls over to Danielle and me, letting us know that we can come back. I left my purse and phone in her car, so I walk through the metal detector with no issue. Danielle places her briefcase in a bin to go through the x-ray machine and steps through the archway. They take several moments to determine that her briefcase is indeed safe, and after we pass the checkpoint, they finally allow us to continue to the next room.

Danielle goes in first, with me slowly walking in behind her, unsure of what to expect. When I’m finally able to see past her, Andy is sitting at the table, his wrists handcuffed and chained to the table.

He smirks at me as if he’s won. Has he not seen where he is?

“Hi, Had. It’s been a while.” His snarky tone reignites the anger I’ve been working through with Amy.

Not long enough.

Of course, I don’t say that. Not until he does what he said he would.

“I’m here, Andy. What else do you want from me to finish this?” I ask, standing several feet from the table with my arms crossed against my chest in a protective stance.

“I just wanted to see you. Mom said your weak ass couldn’t even finish what I started.”

His dark chuckle turns my stomach. I guess the façade I fell in love with once upon a time has truly disappeared entirely.