I was annoyed when Sean suggested I download this app. I did it just to shut him up. But fuck, this woman.

Her profile says her husband wanted to open up their relationship. What kind of thick bodach would want anyone but her? She is everything.


Well, thank you. I didn’t necessarily expect a message as sweet as that to be the first one I opened. I’m sorry, though. I’m unfamiliar with the first thing you said?

I chuckle as I type out a response.


I guess you can take the man out of Ireland, but you can’t take Ireland out of the man. Howya means “hi” or “how are you” & a mhuirnín is a term of endearment we use back home. It means “darling.”

Her response comes more quickly this time.


Oh! That is beautiful! I’m OK. Just having a glass of wine and reading a book. How are you tonight?

I frown at my phone.


Just OK? How can we make that better, a mhuirnín? I’m having a much better night now. What are you reading?


Honestly, I’m not quite sure how to make it better. Although you asking how to made me smile. I’m reading my favorite book, Finding Each Other by Sara Hurst. I’ve read it so many times I can probably recite it without reading the actual pages, but I can’t get enough of the characters and the story.


I’m glad I can make you smile, a mhuirnín. I’ll look into that book if it’s your favorite. (wink emoji)


I’d offer to lend you my copy, but as silly as it is, it’s a “comfort blanket” of sorts. LOL.


You’re lómhara, a mhuirnin.


I had to Google that one. I’m hoping the translation is right. Precious? You’re kind. I have a thing for romance books. I love getting lost in those worlds.


Besides Finding Each Other, what is another book I should check out? I’d like to learn more about what you enjoy!

I smile to myself as I addFinding Each Otherto my Amazon cart.

We continue chatting late into the night, but eventually, the need for sleep becomes overwhelming, and I can’t fight it anymore. She agrees to chat with me again tomorrow. The moment my head lies on the pillow, unconsciousness swiftly pulls me under.

My alarm jolts me out of a delicious dream. My cock is throbbing from the thoughts I had about a woman I haven’t even found the balls to ask to meet in person. Grabbing my phone as I go to the bathroom, I shoot off a few quick messages, the first to Hadley.
