I’m sorry, baby. I know you’re concerned. It will be OK. I’ll be fine.


I swear to you, Hadley, if he lays a hand on you again, I’ll fucking end him. The bodach.

I fall asleep with my phone in my hands, tears falling and staining my face again. I wake to a light tapping on my bedroom door. Checking my phone, I see it’s only ten p.m.

“What do you want, Andy?” I groan from my spot on the bed.

“Can we talk, Had? Please?” His throat is scratchy, like he’s been yelling all day. He sounds like a mess.

I climb out of bed and unlock the door. Andy peers down at me, eyes glistening with unshed tears. It doesn’t look right, though. I don’t know what it is; I can’t quite put my finger on it. He drops to his knees, wrapping his arms around my waist. I stand there frozen, my arms in midair after jerking them up and out of his grasp. He talks into my shirt.

“Hadley, honey, I’m so sorry. It’s just been so long since I’ve had you. I miss you so much. I lost my temper. Please, Had. Forgive me?”

I say nothing, unsure of what, if anything, I could say at this point.

“Had?” I can feel him move to look up at me.

I haven’t moved, staring at the wall. I’m terrified. It feels like no time has passed, yet it seems that all the time in the world has passed us by.

I breathe out, “Andy, I don’t know if I can forgive you. You’re not the man I married anymore.”

I feel his arms stiffen around my body. “I’m still the same man, honey. I am. I need one more chance, please. I’ll doanything you want. We can close our marriage. Please. I only need you. I don’t need Naomi or anyone else.”

“Andy, I’m not losing Connor,” I state as a matter of fact.

He stands up in a huff.

“Well, I’m not losing my fucking wife, Hadley. You are mine,” he growls before he turns on his heels and stomps like a petulant child back to what was once our room.

I close my door and lock it again before returning to the bed, unease churning in my gut. I climb back under the covers and crash as soon as my head hits the pillow.

I wake to the alarm on my phone blaring some godawful tone I’ve never heard before. I silence it, seeing it’s five a.m. I groan to myself, realizing I have a gym session with Kat. I stretch my limbs, warming them up before standing when I realize my door is wide open.

I gasp to myself. How the fuck did he manage to do that? These rooms don’t have keys.

I sit up, turning off the alarm before I stand, then step out into the hall to go to the bathroom when I see Andy standing there, as if waiting for me. I gasp, clutching my chest.

“Andy, what are you doing?” I groan as I try to walk past him.

He moves directly in my path, not allowing me by.

“I told you, Had. You’re mine. Wewillcontinue our conversation from last night.” The coldness in his voice has me nervous.

“If you don’t let me by, the only thing that’s going to happen is I’m going to pee on the floor. God, is it too late to recast?” I ask, my annoyance clear.

With no warning, Andy grips a fistful of my hair. His free hand wraps around my throat as he glares into my eyes.

“I wouldn’t be so smart-mouthed with me right now,wife.” The way he says the word sends chills down my spine, and real fear courses through my body.

“Let me go,” I gasp the words, trying to breathe through the pressure he’s applying to my windpipe.

He says nothing, releasing my throat. I notice his fist cocked back only a half a second before it connects with my face. I hear something crunch as the blinding pain takes hold of me. I collapse onto the floor, my hands holding my face as the shock radiates through my body. It takes me a few moments to realize I have in fact peed myself.

I’m just aware enough of my surroundings that I hear Andy leave the house when the front door slams shut. Sobs wrack through my body, and tears and snot run down my face. I don’t know what the hell happened here.

Where did we go wrong?