The startled sound that comes from her petite frame amuses me. “You just scared the shite out of me, brother!”

She’s clutching her chest like I’m the one that was in her house when she woke up. I chuckle, shaking my head at her.

“Boyo!” I greet Sean.

I walk to him at the sink and give him a quick hug before crossing to Alannah, pressing a kiss to her head.

“So, to what do I owe the pleasure of the two of you making me breakfast?” I ask with a raised brow.

“You don’t recall texting me at three a.m. because Hadley’s husband moved back in?” Alannah’s tone is laced with worry.

“Ah, that.” I attempt to mask my emotions, not that I really can with Alannah. “I’m fine. We’re still seeing each other. It’s just going to be an adjustment.”

I realize at the mention of seeing her that I left my phone in my room.

“Before you crack on, give me a moment.”

I walk back to my room, my hands scrubbing my face. Alannah is as protective of me as I am of her. This is going to be a deadly chat. I grab my phone from my bedside table and see a notification from Hadley.

A Mhuirnín:

Good morning, baby. I can’t wait to be in your arms too. I didn’t sleep well without you last night. What time are we meeting tonight?

I smile to myself as I step back into the kitchen with my phone in hand, tapping out a reply before putting my phone in my pocket.


I’m working from home today, beautiful. Come over anytime.

Alannah and Sean are at my dining room table with places set. The fresh coffee at my chair is calling my name; however, the stern look on my sister’s face tells me she’s unimpressed with the smile on mine.

“Boyo, take your plate to the den and give us a moment.” Alannah’s voice is full of annoyance.

Sean and I share a look before I nod for him to go. Alannah waits until he’s out of earshot to begin her lecture.

“You are setting a terrible example for him doing this, Connor.” The exasperation is even more unmistakable. “He’s going to think it’s okay to break up a family.”

I hold up my hands, telling her to stop. “Sean is much more intelligent than you’re giving him credit for.” I take a sip of coffee before continuing. “He asked me if it was a good idea. If she was just cheating on her husband, yes, that would make me an arse, but her husband is the one who asked her to open their relationship.”

I give her a moment, allowing the information to sink in when my phone dings.

“I really hope you’ll give her a chance before you condemn what’s going on with us,” I say as I pull the device from my pocket.

A Mhuirnín:

Is now OK? I can get a shower and leave here in thirty minutes.


Of course. You’re welcome any time. Just get here safely, mo ghrá.

A lopsided grin crosses my face, and I see Alannah roll her eyes at me.

“Of course I’ll give her a chance. If she hurts you, though, Con, all bets are off.”

“Good, because she’ll be here within the hour.” I take a bite of a strip of bacon on my plate. “This is really good, sis.” I wink at her.

“You’re unbelievable,” she snickers. “Boyo!” she hollers to Sean, who comes walking out with an empty plate a moment later. “Help yourself to some more. Uncle is expecting company he’d like us to meet.”