Her screams have my cock dripping. When I glance up from between her thighs, the most serene expression graces her beautiful face. She’s always stunning, but seeing her high after a release is exquisite.

Chapter Ten


Connor and I have been together most nights since the night he rescued Kat, Ryan, and me. It’s weird to say, but sometimes it’s easy to imagine it’s just him and I. Andy has been so far up Naomi’s ass, he hasn’t been home for weeks. I’ve tried to check in with him as we agreed, but maybe I’m naïve for thinking we can make this work.

The fact that he’s only responded to one of my messages or calls speaks volumes about the state of our relationship. But after sharing so much of our lives together, I’m not prepared to say goodbye to him for good if we can fix this. No matter how strong my feelings for Connor may be.

It’s been nearly a month that Connor and I have been seeing each other, and it has been a whirlwind. The fact that this kind man has become so ingrained into my life in such a short amount of time is both intoxicating and terrifying. I can’t help but compare the two of them, which is so unfair. They’re two entirely different people. One cares more for my needs than Iever have. The other, someone I expected to spend the rest of my life with, has become a stranger.

There once was a time when I thought Andy would do anything for me. Now I fear I’ve been hiding behind a veil of ignorance. There is no way he could have changed so much overnight, is there?

I’ve been subbing more frequently. Over the last week at the elementary school, I’ve only had one day off, which has been an amazing reintegration into the teaching community. I can’t believe just how much I missed spending my days in the classroom, helping to enrich the kids’ lives. It saddens me; I had hoped to have a child of my own or at least be pregnant by now.

That thought now seems so foreign. I mean, if I were to get pregnant, would Connor still want me? At his age, does he even want kids? I know he has helped to raise his nephew, but a child of his own?

Maybe I jumped too quickly into this. Maybe we’re moving too fast. My thoughts sending me on a downward spiral is nothing new. Yet I’m more overwhelmed with each day that passes with my Irishman.

As if he knows I’m thinking of him, my phone pings with a message.


A mhuirnín, I have a surprise for you tonight. Be ready to leave by seven. I’m having the wardrobe delivered to your place shortly.


What?! You don’t need to get me anything to wear. I can run out and find something. I just need to know what I’m dressing for.


That would ruin the surprise. (wink emoji) Besides, I got approval from Ryan and Pickle, so I know you’ll love it.


Wait, what?

I get no response back. He’s talking to Ryan and Kat? What the hell?

I send a video chat request to my girls. The ringing seems to take forever before they both appear on the screen.

“Hey, babes!” Ryan is way too cheerful, instantly putting me on guard. “What’s up?”

“What’s up? You tell me!” My voice has suddenly jumped three octaves, coming out as a high-pitched screech. “Since when are you two close enough to Connor to help him find me an outfit for some mystery date? And since when do you guys chat when I’m not around?”

I am talking so fast, I don’t even know if they can understand me. I’m in the midst of a panic attack, and it’s trying to pull me under.

“This is supposed to be casual. How can it be casual if he’s getting so close to my best friends?”

I don’t realize I’m shaking until I finally take a breath.

“Whoa, love. Breathe.” Kat’s soothing voice pulls me from the ledge. “Baby girl, are you back with us? Or do we need to come over for damage control?”

I half-laugh, half-sob. The snot coming from my nose is such an attractive sight, and I snag a tissue from the table beside me, attempting to clean up the mess that is my face.

“I honestly don’t know. Also, when did he start calling you Pickle without fearing your wrath?” I sniffle.

“Ry dared him to when we were shopping for you. It’s the accent. I didn’t hate it.” She laughs. “Now, do you want to discuss what just happened here?”