His tongue flicks against the ever-so-sensitive bundle of nerves again.

“I need to feel your cock inside me. I’ve been thinking about it since you had to adjust yourself behind your car the night we met.”

The smile on my face is anything but shy this time. I feel like someone I don’t even know, and I have to admit I like this Hadley.

“You noticed that, did you?” His gruff chuckle sends chills down my spine.

He reaches across my body to the bedside table, tugging open the drawer and returning half a moment later with a square foil wrapper.

I moan at the sight, not even realizing he lost his pants at some point. He fists his cock and tears the condom open with his teeth. Sheathing his impressive length all the way to the base, he gazes at me with a feral hunger.

“Oh, God. Please, baby. I need to feel you,” I beg.

Before I can get another plea past my lips, the head of his dick begins to glide along the length of my pussy. He taps himself against my clit, the sensitive nub humming and ready for yet another earth-shattering orgasm.

Connor slowly enters me, just the crown of his dick breaching my entrance. Groaning into my neck, he continues to fill me with every inch, stretching me until he is fully seated inside my tight channel.

“Fuck, gorgeous!”

My body trembles with need as he allows me a moment to accommodate his generous size. He’s so long and thick, and the curve to it! My God, he hasn’t even moved, and I can feel him hitting that decadent spot deep inside me.

He slowly pulls out, then thrusts back in once, twice, three times before he picks up speed. With each pass, his beautiful cock slides against my G-spot, setting my body on fire. Each measured thrust becomes harder until he is fucking me at a steady pace that has me climbing the walls.

“Oh, my fucking God, baby!” I scream as my walls contract around his thick cock.

His punishing thrusts become erratic just as he follows me over the edge.

Chapter Nine


I collapse on top of her, my body covered in a light sheen of sweat.

“Holy shite,” I breathe out, my chest rising in heavy pants.

I press a gentle kiss against her temple and roll to my side. Standing, I move to the bathroom to clean up and dispose of the condom. Grabbing a washcloth, I run it under some warm water before returning to my room. When I come back to the bed, I reach down to gently clean Hadley up, removing the evidence of her arousal.

After taking the washcloth back to the bathroom, I lie down and pull Hadley tightly in against me, her back flush to my chest.

“I don’t have words for how amazing that was,” she whispers shyly, tucking her face just out of sight.

We lie in silence for a while before she speaks again.

“I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do or feel right now.” A sigh passes her lips. “On one hand, this has been the most amazing morning of my life, but on the other…it feels like I’mbetraying him. Even though he’s the one that wanted this. Even though he’s doing the same with…with her.”

“A mhuirnín, I won’t pretend to know the dynamics of your relationship with him. This is the first time I’ve ever been involved with someone in an open relationship. While I will never understand how the hell he could want to be with anyone but you, I will not allow you to second-guess yourself.” I press a gentle kiss against her temple. “Your feelings are valid. This morning has been one I will never forget, but if you need me to slow down, I can do that for you.”

“That’s the thing. Idon’twant to slow down. That’s what scares me.” She turns to me, a lone tear falling down her cheek. “I enjoy you.” She giggles. “And not just your body. I enjoy being with you more than I thought I could.”

She pauses briefly, a frown marring her perfect face.

“I’ve never come during sex before,” she confesses quietly. “I’ve always had to get myself off in the shower after, and even then, it was never like that.”

She blushes, her cheeks turning an adorable shade of pink.

“Oh, a mhuirnín. I will make it even better next time.” A cocky grin spreads across my face as I internally high-five myself.

She’s quiet for several moments before speaking again, her eyes locked on mine. “I don’t want to walk away from this. From you.”