“If you’re going to shoot me for being with Hadley, then do it, because I wouldn’t change a damn thing. She means the world to me, but you willnottalk about her in a derogatory way.”

“Let’s see if you really feel like you have a leg to stand on after this.” I lower the gun, aiming toward his leg just to see if he’ll fall when I squeeze the trigger.

Before I have a chance to shoot, I’m hit from the side by what feels like a damn wrecking ball, forcing me onto the ground. My gun flies out of my hands as I hit the floor.

I’ve been in this hellhole for six fucking months. Hadley had the balls to visit me yesterday to sign the divorce papers. I gave in to her, knowing I won’t get out of here after the dumb cunt tried tokill herself and blamed it on me and not her own weakness. Plus, that pussy Connor filed charges against me too.

I need to hit someone. It needs to be on them, though, or the guards will send me back to the SHU. It’s too fucking quiet there.

Jesus, I’m losing my fucking mind.

I see Miles walk toward me and smile to myself.

“Pussy, get the fuck out of here,” I taunt.

He throws the first punch, and it’s game on. I swing back at him, landing a jab against the right side of his jaw. Before I can pull back for another swing, I feel something grab me under my arms, holding me back. I struggle against whoever it is.

Marcus stands, and a smug grin crosses his face. “You make this shit too easy, you dumb cunt.”

He says nothing else before stomping hard on my right ankle. The pain shoots up my leg, and I let out a loud groan.

“You fucker! Do you really think that’s going to stop me? I will kill you for this. I don’t care if I have to spend a month in the SHU. I will end you,” I spit.

Before I can continue my threats, his foot comes down on my other ankle.

“FUCK!” I scream.

“I have a message for you,” he taunts. “Mr. Lewis wanted you to know that all of this is for Hadley. He never acted on his true feelings for her. Now it’s too late. He won’t let you get away with it, though.”

His smile becomes menacing, evil.

“Now go down like a good boy and fuck all the way off,” he snarls as a sharp pain sears across my abdomen.

They continue stabbing me with a fucking shank for what feels like hours. The pain is so bad, it feels like I’m burning alive.

Fuck! Is this how Hadley felt? What about Naomi?

She enjoyed it, though. She begged for it.

Fuck, it’s so cold. I can’t open my eyes. It hurts too bad.

I wish I had killed Hadley. If she had just died, I wouldn’t be here. I would still be with Naomi. But she had to go and fuck that up too.

Fuck, she’s going to be so mad when she sees the letter. Though it will break Hadley.

Shit, what about my baby girl? I’ll never get to see her grow up.

Fuck, it’s cold.

Voices shouting in the distance get closer to wherever I am. I can’t make out what they’re saying.

Why can’t I warm up?

If I get out of this, I will find a way to end Hadley once and for all. Stupid bitch.

Chapter Thirty-Six