Andy had made comments that she knew what he did to Hadley and didn’t do anything about it. I have a hard time having much sympathy for her.

“I don’t know. I didn’t think it would go as far as it did.” She looks up at me through dark lashes. “I didn’t know how bad it was. He told me he slapped her…” Her voice cracks. “But I didn’tknow how bad it was until I saw her the night before he came after you. I should have told someone.”

I grunt in response. What else can I say?

The elevator dings at her floor, the doors open, and she walks out without another word.

My day drags by at a snail’s pace. I’m stuck in a meeting with Gina, the head of my legal team, until after five o’clock to discuss more contracts when I finally tell her I need to leave. My head is just not in it today. The lack of sleep has been getting to me so much more toward the end of each workday.

I head down to my car, leaving my laptop and everything at the office for the first time since I started here years ago.

When I finally get to my car, my body is on autopilot. Before I realize it, I’m getting out at Mud House. Apparently my body decided it needs a jolt. Stepping inside, I see Liam and Kayleigh talking at the counter. He turns toward me and smiles, walking over and wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

“How’re you doing, Con?” His genuine concern is still something I’m not quite used to.

“I’m trying to get past that three p.m. crash.” I say simply as I walk to the counter, not wanting to put words to the way I really feel.

Kayleigh already has my drink ready. I go to pull out my wallet to pay when my phone dings with a notification that has me frozen in place.

Chapter Thirty-One


I’m sitting in front of a classroom full of students. We’ve just returned from winter break, and everyone is complaining that we haven’t had a snow day yet. It’s been so unseasonably warm for this time of year; I have a tank top underneath my zip-up hoodie, and it’s almost uncomfortable.

All I can think while they’re complaining is,I want to be snowed in with Connor.

It’s been six weeks since the attack and I’mfinallyfeeling like myself again. The confidence I have in who I am and what I want is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.

Once the lunch bell rings, I dismiss the kids to go to the cafeteria while I go back and sit behind my desk. I pull my phone out of my desk drawer and send a text to a number I’ve held close to me since she gave it to me. No one knows we’ve been in communication. I couldn’t bear to not know how he was doing, and I knew she wouldn’t sugarcoat anything. I need her brand of candidness.


Do you think you could come over tonight? I’m ready, but I would like to speak to you first.

Her response is timely, as always.


Don’t mess with him, Hadley. I don’t care how much he cares about you. I will not allow you to hurt him again.


You know it was never my intention. There is so much more than what I’ve been able to tell you. Please come by tonight, and I’ll explain what I can. Some things, though, I need to tell him first.


I’ll be there at five. Have a red wine ready and breathing when I get there.

I smile at her response. I love that she is so protective of Connor. It’s made the time apart so much more bearable, knowing that she’s looking out for him. As much as I want to tell the girls I’m ready, I know the instant they see the words, they’ll tell him, and I can’t have that. I need to be the one to reach out first.

The lunch period goes by quickly. I’m with second-graders today, so I still have thirty minutes to eat the PB&J sandwich I brought from home. I’ve been eating like one of my students for the last week, and I know it’s because my nerves are shot.

I just hope I didn’t take too long. The thought of losing him permanently… I can’t imagine a life without Connor in it.

I pull up to the parking lot of my apartment building and see Alannah leaning against her car, a look of frustration plastered on her face. I park my car and get out, grabbing the bottle of wine she asked for. I hand it over, a peace offering.

“Hey,” I nearly whisper.