“Keep trying. Kay and I saw the way you both looked at each other. Don’t give that up.” I can hear the smile in his voice.

Sometimes the love he shares with his wife is sickening. Granted, right now I’m incredibly jealous because I miss my woman, so that may be clouding my opinion. We chat for a few more minutes about work until I hear Kayleigh call him for dinner.

Picking up my phone, I send yet another text.


Can you please tell me something? Anything? It’s been a month.


You know we can’t. It’s her story to tell. I will say she’s doing better. We’re trying, Connor.

Ryan doesn’t chime in, meaning they’re probably with her. I’m glad. I asked them to stick by her side, and they have. Completely.

I’ve been staying with my sister and Sean since the incident. Alannah has dealt with so much shite that no one should have to face. Adding in what happened at my office has only made it worse. Sean has become my shadow, only straying when I force him to go to school. It’s like it was right after his dad passed away, the two of them clinging to me like a life raft.

We’re sitting on their couch, Sean leaning into my side and Alannah staring at the two of us while we watchWill and Graceyet again. Jack just burst into Will’s office and they are singing a show tune when suddenly Jack is up and dancing ballet in front of Will’s desk. Something clicks into place in my mind. I look from Alannah to Sean and back.

“Did you name him after Sean Hayes?” I raise a brow at my sister.

“You’re just now catching on to that, brother?” She’s laughing at me.

“Apparently I’m slow on the uptake,” I chuckle.

It’s just after midnight when we head our separate ways for the night. I climb into the spare bed I’ve been calling mine for the last month and stare at the ceiling.

It’s like this every night lately. I grab my phone and open up my music app, hitting the playlist I’ve had on repeat sinceI haven’t been able to see her. I fall asleep to memories of her beautiful face and the cinnamon and citrus scent that I’ll never get enough of.

I jolt awake, a light sheen of sweat covering my skin. The dreams I’ve been having are so realistic. It’s always the same: Andy attacks Hadley and I’m frozen in place, unable to stop it. Then we’re back in my office and he takes me out before I can tell her how I feel.

I scrub my hands against my face in an attempt to get the images out of my mind. I look at the clock and it’s five-thirty a.m. I still have thirty minutes before I need to get up for work; however, my inability to sleep through to my alarm has found me at Mud House more often than not. Today, it seems, will be no different.

I throw off my blanket and roll out of bed. In a sleep-filled haze, I take a quick shower and get dressed for the day. My black Armani suit fits like a glove, and the ivy-green button-up underneath my jacket complements my Irish complexion. I walk to the kitchen to see if anyone else is awake, but both Alannah and Sean are still in bed, so I leave a note on the kitchen counter that I’m headed out early.

The drive to Mud House is short, and I pull up to see Kayleigh getting out of her Subaru. Her bright smile instantly warms my heart. She’s waiting for me when I step out of the car.

“You are here obnoxiously early, Connor.” She laughs.

“Yeah, I haven’t been sleeping well and I could use a very large cup of your cafe americano.” I smile at her.

“Come on.” She waves her hand, gesturing for me to follow. She pauses for a moment, giving me a gentle look. “Liam toldme you still haven’t heard from her. Give her some time. I know he’s told you what we went through, but everyone handles their traumas differently. She’ll come around. You’re her moose.” She winks at me.

I follow Kayleigh into Mud House, chuckling to myself. The stories she and Liam have told me about early on in their relationship give me some hope for my future with Hadley. They’ve built a beautiful life together, and their kids are cute little hysterical monsters.

I lean against the counter chatting with Kayleigh while she gets machines turned on and starts my drink.

Her best friend, Jana, steps out from the back and grins at me. “Hey there, Mr. Fantastic.”

I don’t really understand the reference, but it’s a thing she does, so I’ve been told to just go with it.

“Good morning, Jana.”

The three of us chat for a while, and when I notice it’s close enough to six-thirty a.m., I bid them farewell and head to the office.

I step onto the elevator to head upstairs when I see Naomi coming in behind me. I hold the door for her so she can ride up with me. She has dark circles under her eyes, and she looks thoroughly exhausted. The project manager that took over for Andy has told me she’s been having a rough pregnancy with lots of pain and morning sickness.

“How are you doing with everything?” I ask, not bothering with pleasantries.