“It will be.” I smile at him. “How has it been here, apart from pissing off Ms. Phillips? I knew I shouldn’t have kept putting her off. She’s going to cause a nightmare for us, isn’t she?”

I rake my hand through my hair in frustration.

“It’s been fine,” he chuckles, ignoring my second rhetorical question. “You have a meeting later today with Mr. James, at his request.”

“Why?” I raise a brow at him.

Jordan knows that I was seeing Hadley. Hell, he was just outside the door when everything went down in my office only a few weeks ago.

“He didn’t say. Just said it was important. He sent me a text about twenty minutes ago.” He shrugs, as if it shouldn’t be a big deal.

“Alright. Well, let me know when Ms. Phillips gets here. I’m going to make the rounds. I’ll have my phone on me.”

I’m on the second floor of the building speaking with Gina Avery, part of the legal counsel that we have based out of our office to ensure contracts are addressed as swiftly as possible. We’re chatting about several concerns that have been raised regarding verbiage for the Pacent Industries project that she believes Ms. Philips is causing a commotion about. The contract reads that they will owe us over five million for a six-month period. I nearly choke when Gina tells me about the typo in the contract.

“Christ, no wonder she’s throwing a fit.” I roll my eyes. “Hopefully this will be a quick meeting, then. Can you have the updated documents on my desk in the next thirty minutes?”

“Jordan already has it.” She mockingly dusts off her shoulder as she smirks, spinning to walk back to her office.

I move through each floor, getting some face time with as many of my employees as I can. I like to try doing this at least once a day when possible. I enjoy catching up with everyone. They deal with situations for the company just like I do, and I appreciate their dedication. Unless I’m going to show my face and express that frequently, it will come off as insincere. I want them to know their hard work means something more than just a quarterly email.

I’m walking back toward the elevator when I get a message from Jordan indicating that Ms. Phillips is waiting in my office. With a heavy sigh, I step onto the elevator and press the button to go up.

Let’s get this over with.

“Ms. Phillips,” I say, extending my hand in greeting.

She takes it in hers, shaking it gingerly.

“I do apologize for having to reschedule so last minute yesterday. I had an important family situation come up. I appreciate your patience in agreeing to see me today.”

I see the twinkle in her eye that she tends to get when I speak to her.

“Oh, Connor. Will you ever call me Lisa?” She places her free hand on my bicep in an obvious attempt at flirting, and the only way my dick could be any softer would be if Elsa were to show up and put the building in an everlasting winter.

“I prefer to keep things professional, Ms. Phillips,” I respond dryly, stepping away from her overzealous hand. “Please, follow me.”

I stroll into my office and take my seat behind my desk.

“Okay, Connor.” She winks at me. “On a professional note, how the hell do you think you can bend me over, trying to get Pacent Industries to fork over five million dollars for a six-month contract?”

I blanch at her continuous flirting. “I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. It’s unfortunate, but it appears that there was a section missing and incorrect pricing in the contract we sent over. I have the correct information here.”

I hand her the new contract indicating three million for a six-month contract or five million for a one-year contract. Her eyes skim over the updated pieces, and she licks her fingertips before flipping each page. I can see her gaze flicker to me each timeshe does it. She thinks she’s being seductive, when in reality I’d rather gouge my eyes out.

“This looks sufficient. Do you have a pen, Connor?” she asks sweetly.

I hand her a pen, and her fingers purposely brush mine while my eyes nearly roll out of the back of my head when she looks down to the paper to sign. When she completes the multiple signatures required, she leans across the desk and slides the contract back to me, her chest nearly popping out of her shirt that I swear wasn’t that revealing when she first sat down. I jerk my hand back when I realize what she’s doing. I don’t even bother trying to mask the disgust on my face.

“Ms. Phillips, this is highly unprofessional and inappropriate. If you cannot respect the boundaries I have been attempting to put in place here, I will have no choice but to tear up this contract before we even start, and I will be informing Mr. Pacent of the reason why we will not be going into business with Pacent Industries,” I say coldly.


She stares at me for a moment, reconsidering.

“Mr. Quinn,” she starts again. “I am so sorry. Please. I thought you were playing hard to get. I will maintain a professional boundary from here on out.”

I nod once at her and motion for her to leave.