Have a good day, beautiful.

As much as I try to avoid the endearments, they slip out. I’m working from my sister’s today, and let me tell you, Alannah is on the warpath. She’s been itching to go to pay Hadley a visit, and as much as I love that my baby sister is ready to go defendmy honor like this, it’s not necessary. I may be broken—again—but I know Hadley never intended for this to happen.

“Brother,” I hear Alannah call, pulling me from my thoughts.

I look up to see her standing directly across from me at her dining room table.

“How long have you been standing there?”

“Only a minute.” Her gentle smile gives me some peace.

“What’s going on?” I ask, putting my phone face-down on the table.

“I’m going to make breakfast. Do you want pancakes or waffles?”

“Yes, with home fries.” I smirk at her.

“I’ve been kind for two weeks brother. Pickone.” She pins me with an unamused look.

“Waffles.” I pause. “And home fries?”


She laughs, and I join in. For the first time in two weeks, I laugh at something so silly. It’s an unfamiliar feeling as of late.

Sean makes it to the table with us, just as breakfast is served. With a grumbled “Morning,” he sits down and shoves his face full with two waffles and three heaping scoops of home fries.

Once he’s fully awake, he gives me a weary look, and I raise a brow at him.

“What is it, boyo?”

“I asked someone out a couple of weeks ago, and I wanted to bring them home for dinner this weekend. I know you’re going through it with Hadley, so I understand if you don’t want to be here, but Ireallywant you to meet them.”

Alannah stares at me, waiting for my response. She knew this was coming. Of course she did.

“Boyo, no matter what is going on in my life, I will always be here for you. You hear me, yeah?” I smile at him. “I would be honored to meet her.”

His returning grin is all the response I need.

“Jordan, I understand. I will be back in the office tomorrow, and then back full-time next week. I have an important dinner tonight that I can’t be late for, so I’m staying put for the rest of the day. Reschedule the meeting for tomorrow or one day next week.”

“Okay, boss,” he finally agrees.

Having been out of the office so long has apparently caused an issue with one of our new clients. They are insisting on an in-person meeting, and it’s a major pain in my ass. I spend the next two hours finishing up the things that can’t wait until tomorrow before finally closing my laptop to help Alannah finish up dinner.

By the time I get out to the kitchen, Alannah already has everything done that can be, so I set the table for us. Working quietly, I get lost in my thoughts until she breaks the silence.

“It’s nice of you to do this for him even though you’re hurting,” she says gently.

“You know that boy means the world to me. I’d walk through fire for the kid,” I reply simply.

And I would, no questions asked.

About twenty minutes after five p.m., Alannah’s front door opens, and we hear Sean’s voice and someone else whispering behind him. I see Sean first, tension rolling off him, followed by a tall kid with an athletic build quietly trailing behind. I share a smile with Alannah.

“Boyo!” I greet Sean as he walks in, wrapping him in a hug.

He squeezes me back, the tension easing from his body in my embrace. He pulls away and looks back at the boy he brought home for dinner.