I don’t remember falling asleep, but when I wake, I’m still in the clothes I wore last night. I lie there for several moments reliving yesterday’s events. The pain hits me all over again like a ton of bricks. The feelings I have for a man I’ve known for such a short period of time are making this pain unbearable. I hate being stuck here so much right now. Nothing is helping me relax, and I know If I leave the house, I will have to answer questions I’m just not prepared to answer.

Eventually, after I’m not even sure how long since I have no phone to tell the time and we have no clocks in the bedrooms—I would order one online if I had my damn phone—I climb out of bed and walk to the bathroom. After relieving my bladder, I check to see if Andy is home before I make the decision toshower. After the past few days, I don’t trust him not to accept “no” as an answer.

Once I return to the bathroom, I turn the shower on and lock the door behind me. I peel yesterday’s clothes off my body as the water warms. When it’s finally at the point that Lucifer himself would feel comfortable, I step in and allow the scalding water to cascade down my body. My tears mix with the molten liquid as I allow the sobs to roll free while I know I’m alone.

I lather my hair in my citrus and cinnamon shampoo before rinsing, followed by my conditioner, and smooth it through all of my hair, covering each strand fully. I stand there under the water for a few moments while it works its way into the follicles before rinsing again, then take my time soaping up my body. The suds are so thick to remove the grimy feeling. When I’ve finally stood under the water long enough to no longer see any bubbles left on my body, I turn off the water.

I unlock and open the bathroom door once I’ve dressed and my hair is wrapped in a towel. The moment my foot hits the stairs, I hear banging on the front door. I slowly take the stairs one at a time, trying to peek out the windows by the front porch to see who is there. I hear the latch unlock, and I freeze only to see Kat and Ryan strolling in like they own the place.

“Jesus, you scared me,” I say, my hand clutching my chest as the adrenaline flooding my body eases a little. “What are you doing here?”

“We were asked to drop this off,” Ryan says as she hands me a new phone. “He’s worried, just like we are.”

Her pained expression is like a knife to the gut.

“I’m sorry. I wish I could explain it in a way that would make sense,” I say quietly.

“You don’t need to. He did,” Kat chimes in this time.

I look at her with a question in my eyes.

“Connor,” Ryan sighs, her exasperation clear. “Honestly, Hadley. We wish you’d met him first.”

She says it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.

“You and me both,” I say under my breath. “Thank you for this.” I increase the octave of my voice a few decibels so they can hear me as I take the phone from Ryan’s outstretched arm. “Do you want to stay for coffee?”

They look at each other briefly before turning back to me and nodding their heads.

We walk to the kitchen together, not saying anything as I brew a pot of coffee. We sit there in silence for several moments. Kat is the first one to speak, telling us about how she finally slept with Clay and he has the biggest penis she’s ever had. Ryan and I chuckle at her lack of filter. Things slowly start to go back to normal and the conversation flows easily with every moment we’re together.

I’m so glad they’re here. I can’t imagine life without them. If I’m honest, I also can’t imagine life without Connor, and that scares me. Even though he had them bring me a phone, I know I’ve broken him as badly as my face is broken, and it pains me greatly. We’ve finished four pots of coffee between the three of us and are ready to run a marathon when my new phone dings with a notification.

Mo Shíorghrá:

I’m here if you need me.

The name isn’t what I had in my phone before, but I know it’s him. I’m not sure what it means, but I know asking him to translate isn’t the smartest choice for either of us. I simply respond.


Thank you. <3

I exchange a look with the girls, and they both grab my hands to keep me steady from losing it even more than I already have at this entirely fucked-up situation.

Chapter Twenty-Five


Two weeks later

I’ve not been to the office since everything happened with Hadley. I don’t trust myself not to pummel her bodach of a husband if I see him right now. She’s texted me every day, and I’ve tried not to respond. It hurts so much. I’ve spoken to Ryan or Kat at least once a day since our initial text exchange so they can keep me apprised of how she’s actually doing.

Mo Ghrá:

Good morning. I hope one day you can forgive me.
