Page 53 of The Operator

As he secured the fabric, he looked up at me. “Now, tell me what happened today?”

I told him the story, starting with the mail at our front door. And then Bex taking me and Sky for a drive, spotting Trey at the delivery guy’s house. Noah filled in information as they had received it as well, giving Logan a better overall picture than either of us had at the time.

“When he saw Bex with me outside that Neville guy’s house, he knew he had been caught.” I paused trying to hold off as long as possible from delivering the news. “He knew that the only thing stopping him from taking me was Bex. So, he shot her. Twice.”

Color drained from Logan’s caramel skin “He shot her?”

I nodded. “Twice.” There was no logical reason why I felt the need to reiterate that part, but I had no idea what else to say.”

“Where is he?”

Noah put a hand on his shoulder. “Dead. Scott Waite shot him in the temple when he refused to let Ev go.”

“Good.” He looked at my hand. “Where is she?”

“Operating Room Two. The family is in the waiting area on the second floor.”

Logan pulled off his gloves and pulled his script pad from his lab coat. He scribbled something down. “I’m prescribing antibiotics as a precaution. I’m also suggesting a sleeping tablet in case you have some issues over the next few weeks, and I am recommending you speak to a therapist.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “I will do as you suggest. Logan are you—“

Before I could finish my question, he spoke again. “Now, if no one minds I need to check on — oh, who the fuck am I kidding. I need to check on the most important person in my life.”

With that he left. Noah helped me gather my things once more before we made our way to the hospital drugstore. He had me sit and wait while he went and got my meds.

Shiloh, who was the only one of the kids who could drive, met me on the way to the waiting area where the kids were hanging out. “Everly. Noah. I just wanted to make sure that we’re still on for the sleepover at your place tonight. We’re making pancakes in the morning.”

“Oh, my God.” I turned to Noah. “It’s my daughter's birthday tomorrow and I completely forgot. What kind of mother am I?”

Noah frowned at me. “The kind who had a bit of a challenging day. You didn’t forget. Unless the presents we spoke about before I left are still at the store.”

“No. Everything’s ready. I got her the phone speaker you suggested and another duffle bag.” I turned to Shiloh. “I even got a pancake mix in case that is what you girls need. At least, I know you will if Sky is doing the cooking.”

“No, Mags and I make the mix from scratch.” Shiloh looked really pleased at that idea. “If it’s too much trouble after the day you had, we can postpone or move it to our house.”

I shook my head. “No, and no. It's her birthday tomorrow and we’ll do it at our house. She’s been looking forward to it for weeks. After the day we’ve had, we need a little happiness in our lives.”

As I turned the corner, the sight before me filled my heart. My kid was not going to private school. While I had no doubt she could and would make friends while she was there. Those would not be her people. The ones surrounding her were. The family that we chose. Grace and Owen obviously begged someone to bring them to the hospital to be with Sky. Aidan hadn’t left her side from what everyone had told me. Even Jason, her dance partner, was there. His mother was sitting a bit away, but I understood her need to bring him. Sky was his only friend, and his mother wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize that.

“Mom.” Her smile was wide. “I am still doing my sleepover tonight. I know you had a bad day, but Grace said we can do it at her house if you’re not okay with us hosting.”

“Sweetheart, it's your first birthday at your dad’s house. Of course, we’re doing it there.” I looked up at Noah hoping that he agreed with me.

He frowned at me. “Yes. It's her home. That’s exactly where she should be having sleepovers. It's your home, too.”

“We’ll talk about that in a second.” I looked back down at my daughter. “Shi will take you and Grace back to their place, and then you will come back to our house when your dad and I get home. We just want to get another update about Bex, okay.”

“Cool. Give the family a hug from me.”

Jason leaned forward in his seat and frowned at Sky. “Is the sleepover just for girls?”

Her eyes softened. “Yes. It's a tradition that Shiloh started with her sisters and included me.”

The kid's face fell, and I could see the disappointment seep into every bone of his body. I wanted to tell them to forget the girls only rule. All Jason wanted was to be included.

I didn’t have to, though. Aidan looked up from the corner where he was doing something on his iPad. “You can hang with me and Owen, if you want.”

Jason’s eyes widened. “Seriously?”