I looked over at him. Skepticism coated my thoughts. “How can you tell it's not a front or a reroute or whatever?”
Jared rolled his eyes. “Because I’ve been doing this for a while. I know a thing or two. Also, I had a good mentor.”
Yeah, we all knew who Jared’s mentor was. Only the best in our world.
“Can you tell when those messages came in?”
“I’m just verifying.” He frowned as he checked and opened the calendar app on his phone. “The day of the snake delivery and the day of…” He checked his phone, but I finished for him.
“The night he broke into the cottage.” I ran my hand through my hair and tugged at the strands. “Dammit. That’s how he had found her in the first place. Is there any way we can find this AntMan asshole.”
Jared smiled. “There’s a rumor going around certain cyber circles, that AntMan doesn’t want to piss off the Salingers. I could try and use that. I don’t know that he would even agree to work with me though. But perhaps if he wanted to stay in our good books a simple request for information would work.”
Wait. Was Jared actually thinking about contacting an information broker? Yeah, he had intel but what if we rang a bell we could never unring.
Nick actually spoke up as the voice of reason. “We can keep him in our back pocket. Let’s see what you can dig up on Cartwright. Do we have an address yet?”
Jared switched between apps, fingers racing across the keyboard. Meanwhile, I was still wondering about my missing teammate.
“Has anyone confirmed that Trey is at home. I cannot believe he’s not answering his phone.”
“I have an address for Cartwright. I’ve sent it to everyone’s phones.” He changed apps once more. “I’ll do a search for Trey using the derma tags we’re all still wearing.”
The pesky thing was still itching on my arm. At least it would come in handy seeing as we had a means to track Trey. His absence was disturbing me more and more. Something had been off about that guy from the moment I met him at the side of the road.
“Jared, you said something about a nickname?”
“Yes. Neville Boris Cartwright. I ran all sorts of searches on the guy, nothing to do with G.” He clicked a few things. “Actually, that is not true. There’s an email to someone called G. It's in code, as opposed to encrypted. It looks like an initial contact and then they switch over to the same app G had used for AntMan.”
“So, G is not the delivery guy. It's someone else.” Fear and anger coated every word that came out of my mouth. “G issomeone who has been in town since the shit started happening. I glared at my teammates once more. Find me Goose.”
Jared got to work at the same time my phone rang.
Time stood still as everything in me froze. Everly’s phone number appeared on my screen. “Ev?”
My daughter’s broken voice had my blood turn to ice. I put the phone onto speaker “Sweetheart, talk to me.”
“Bex’s been shot. He took mom.” Sirens blared. “I need to…”
All of us started heading out. “Where are you?”
She rattled off street names of the corner she was on.
Jared paused and turned to me. “That’s where Cartwright stays.”
Those words had me moving even faster. “Sweetheart, We’re on our way.”
I was about to tell her not to hang up when she did just that. Instead of calling her back, I shot into action.”
“Trey is leaving the area.”
We all raced to our cars. Wherever Bex was, was where I needed to be. Jared jumped into the passenger's seat. Then before anyone could say anything, Aidan was getting into the back.
Jared stopped his brother. “You cannot come with us.”
Aidan just glared. “Maybe I’m afraid to stay alone in a house that’s just been targeted by a stalker.”