He didn’t have a chance to answer before a screech pierced my ears.
“Dad!” Skylar came running to me. My body moved without thinking and I caught her, pulling her up while two little pups bounced around us. Her arms went around my neck and her legs around my waist. I held on tight as I processed what she hadcalled me. Since I had met her, she had either called me Noah or old man. And I was fine with that, if it was what she was comfortable with. Still, I couldn’t deny I had hoped to hear that word from her. Something trickled onto my neck, and I could only imagine it was her tears as she sobbed and spoke at the same time. “You’re back early and safe and you’ll be able to see me dance. And you’re in time for my birthday.”
“I’m looking forward to it, sweetheart. I’ve missed you so much.” I lifted my head and my eyes connected with the woman of my dreams. Her eyes were watery too, with her hand over mouth she could only stare at me and Sky. I winked at her and mouthed,I love you.
Maybe not the most romantic way to say those words but I felt it, and I didn’t want another moment to pass without her knowing that. I took a moment to whisper the words to Skylar as well. She hugged me tighter, almost afraid to let me go.
Meanwhile, her mother made my entire year when she dropped her hands from her mouth and whispered. “I love you, too.”
Ifelt like my heart was about to burst. Never in my life had I been as happy as I had been when Noah arrived back from Oregon. Watching Skylar run to him with unadulterated joy was a sight to behold. Hearing her call him dad was beyond anything I had expected so soon. And seeing the joy in his eyes at hearing it was something else completely.
Since neither Sky nor I had expected Noah home so soon it took us an hour to get packed up and ready to leave. Jake put Daisy down for a nap while he spoke to Noah about the mission.
Cassie made sure all our things were out of the laundry, leaving Sky and I on our own. Finding alone time for just me and my girl had been difficult in the previous weeks. Between her preparing for champs and the introduction of Noah and all the moving we had to do, her life was quite a whirlwind. My main priority had been that she was safe and happy. But before we went home, I wanted to take a few minutes of girl time.
I sat on the bed we’d been sharing and patted the spot next to me. “How are you doing, sweetheart?”
“You mean about calling Noah, Dad.” Noah was right, her smile lit up the whole room. “Or preparing for champs. Because I’m cool with both of those things. I’m just tired of moving. Iwish Dad and everyone he worked with would catch the asshole who’s after you.”
I was her mom, so I couldn’t resist. “Language, Sky.” I pulled her under my arm. “I am so sorry you need to deal with this. I know it's difficult. I want him caught too. Men like that get arrogant and overconfident. He’ll slip up soon enough. We just need to be hypervigilant until then.”
She gave what I said to her some thought before burrowing even further into my armpit. I took full advantage and held her tight. I knew the snuggling moments with her would become rarer and I took full advantage of the situation.
“I guess. Hopefully dad catches him before he goes on another mission.”
“Nothing else bothering you?”
Sky frowned and she looked up at me. “You sound as if something should be bothering me.”
“Aidan. He was helping you with your math. Now that your dad’s back, that will probably happen a little less.”
Jared’s little brother had been a great help since both Noah and Bex had been away. Math was not one of Sky’s strengths and he stepped in to help.
“Yeah, I think Jared had asked him to help me. I mean everyone knows that I have issues with math, it's not unrealistic to believe they had a backup plan, especially in this family.”
I smiled at the use of the word family. It wasn’t such a strange concept, and I was grateful for the people I had in my life. It made me sad that my parents couldn’t accept me the way I was. But my daughter and I were happy. Deranged madman aside, of course.
“So, there’s nothing there? Between you and Aidan, I mean.”
“Mom.” Her blush was cute as all get out. “He’s cute and he’s a brainiac with straight A’s. He’s already on the chess team and some math team that I didn’t even know existed. I cannot evenmultiply fractions. And most of the time I just sound stupid in front of him.”
“Oh, sweetheart. The thing you need to remember is, boys are stupid. Even brainiacs who are mathletes. Even the cute ones.” I raised a brow and smiled at her. “Sometimes, especially the cute ones.”
“Hey.” Noah’s voice rumbled behind us. “Are you saying I’m not smart or I’m not cute?”
“You’re the exception.” I smiled and winked at him.
He darted his gaze between Sky and me. “What boy are we talking about, because I am sure he’s stupid if he thinks he’s smarter than you?”
“Oh, no.” Sky held up her hands to stop the conversation. “Because you’ll get overprotective and want to beat the shit out of him when he is in fact smarter than me.”
“Sky, language.”
“Sky, language.”