Page 40 of The Operator

Bex clicked her fingers a few times. “Earth to lovesick puppy.” I gave her my full attention and she smiled at me. “I had a thought about the stalker.”

“I’m listening.” I sat up straight and pushed all thoughts of a pregnant Everly to the back of my mind. “Trey, if you want to bring another chair in, do so. But I understand if you’d rather not be here.”

It was approaching five o’clock, and the Everly case was not part of our normal case load. While Trey had installed her alarm system, there was no way I would make him work overtime on a personal issue.

Trey shook his head. “I’m good. I want to help as well. And I don’t need a chair.”

I nodded and gestured for Bex to continue.

She took a deep breath before she spoke. “Lilly said the guy probably had a record that was why he wiped down every surface in her house.”

“Yes. Jared couldn’t find anyone with a record. Even though that asshole Ricky was in town, there’s no way to prove that he was in Everly’s house.”

“That’s just it.” Bex waved her hands as she spoke. “What if he had been in her house before. What if there was a perfectly good reason for his prints to be in her house.”

“Bex, I’m not following.” At least I hoped I wasn’t following. She was taking the case in a very disturbing direction.

“What if, by leaving his fingerprints, he basically narrowed the pool down to just the people that had been in her house recently. So, that Ricky guy has a record for a DUI over a decade ago. But he’s not the only person in Everly’s life with fingerprints on record. All three of us have been fingerprinted. In fact, everyone who works here except for Sue. Even Everly’s work colleagues who’ve been overseas have been printed.”

I narrowed my eyes at her feeling increasingly uncomfortable. “It’s a stretch.”

Trey moved forward and leaned against my desk. “He’s right. According to the forensics some of those pictures were from magazines dated from when she released her album. The man has been around for a while. Surely, she would’ve noticed something was off, if it wasn’t someone she knew.”

Bex shook her head. “I think we need to give everyone on her list a second look and investigate from there.”

We each threw out some more ideas before I called time for the night. “We’re not going to solve this now and I have a date with my two favorite ladies.”

Twenty minutes later I was at the bottom of the stairs at the B&B waiting for said favorite ladies. I didn’t quite understand what was taking each of them so long. I had texted Everly over an hour ago and surely she would’ve texted Sky immediately.

I figured since I was waiting for them, I might as well change from my gray pants into dark jeans. I stepped into my bedroom and the sight before me was one to behold.

Everly was completely naked with one leg on the bed, rubbing lotion into her silky skin. My breath caught in my throatand inhaling was a thing of the past. Never had I seen anything so incredibly erotic and intimate at the same time.

“Oh.” She looked over at me and smiled. “I hope you don’t mind me using your room to get done, Sky was using the shower in mine, and I figured we’d save some time if I used yours.”

I nodded and swallowed. “That makes sense.”

Though, I was pretty sure that anything she said, at that moment, I would have agreed to.

“Good.” Her smile still lit up the room. “Then give me a few more minutes and I will be downstairs.”

I nodded and walked out the door, hard as rock and wondering if I could convince her to give me the opportunity to put lotion all over her body.



The little bitch had acquired herself a few guard dogs everywhere she went. Not that she went many places. She’d been to the recording studio a few times. A few times she had been out with her friends and then a few nights out with that lapdog Moore. Like that night at Waite’s.

She saw me, I know she did, and still she had no idea that I was the one writing her those letters. Maybe if I had a signature she would realize that it was me she belonged with and not that asshole who spawned the brat.

God, that child spoke a lot. I was tempted to leave the child behind when Everly and I eventually got together. But something told me that Everly would be more pleasant if Skylar was with us. At least in the beginning. Eventually, I would show her how inconvenient Moore’s kid was, especially after she was pregnant with mine. But first, I needed her to be with me.

I thought about terrorizing her while that man was away, but that took more coordination and planning than I had time for. She would be staying with friends, and it would look too suspicious if I asked too many questions to find out which one.

Instead, I had a different plan. It meant that I needed to get another person involved but he’d been threatened within an inchof his life to be discreet. Besides, the young man had no idea who he was helping. All the preparation was done online and when the project was done, I would ensure he was silenced before he had the potential to be a problem.

Since AntMan would no longer help me, I was forced to roam around the dark web, something I was not all that familiar with. I mean, I knew how to search for what I needed without it being tracked. I knew where to look for delivery guys who could keep their mouths shut. I knew enough to buy supplies without it being detected. There were of course websites that could point you in the right direction but mostly you needed to know where to start before you could look for the kind of people I needed.