Page 29 of The Operator

G:What the fuck does that mean?

AntMan:That’s twice now you’ve asked me to dig into someone connected to the Salinger family. I will not cross that family.”

G:Are you scared of them?

AntMan:Don’t fuck with me. We both know who is really scared here. Trust me you don’t want to fuck with me.

Rage spiraled through me. How dare he threaten me.

G:Fuck you. I’ll find another contact. I want a refund.

AntMan:There will be no refunds. I will send you the information, and you will not contact me again.

G:Whatever. Send the information.

It wasn't like I couldn’t start another account, and work with him under a different username.

My phone got an alert as the information came in. Then another text from AntMan.

AntMan:And if you try fooling me or contacting me again. I will send everything I have on you and this account to the Salingers. Don’t think I don’t know who you are, G.

I wasn’t sure I believed him. But the fact that he felt the need to add my account name gave me pause. There was no way he knew who I was.

First, he would need to know where to start looking. No one would suspect me. Instead of dwelling on his threat, I opened the information he had sent me.

I read through each page, not in the least surprised by the information I’d found. I had been in the business long enough to know who Noah Moore was. Everyone knew him. The more I scrolled the more I realized what a waste of money AntMan was. It wasn’t until the last page that I learned something. The government had covered it up and I had no doubt that while Salinger Security knew the details of the report in my hand, they would do anything to make sure the report never saw the light of day either. I saved that final page. At some point I would send it to Eve. But only if she was good and deserved to know what kind of monster she was spreading for.



It was a little before midnight when we arrived at Hope’s Haven. Nick’s dad came over to the B&B from his own house to check us in. Actually, all he did was unlock the door and made sure we had a key.

Bex had packed some of her own clothing for Everly, as well as some other stuff, since the cottage and its contents was a crime scene. I tried like hell to shield Ev from what was happening inside but eventually the police needed her to identify that she had never seen both the mug in the sink or the fan mail on the coffee table. Fortunately, since I was the current occupant of Everly’s bedroom, she did not have to witness the horrific display in there.

That sick fucker had quite a collection of porn that he used to cut up and stick Everly’s face on explicitly posed bodies. The detective on duty had taken photos of everything. Mason and I had done the best we could until the cops arrived and basically told us to leave the scene until we were needed. Mason had already put a call in to Jared and he promised to have the files as soon as they were uploaded on the Marina De Ferrier Police Department server.

With both keys in my hand along with an overnight bag for Ev and my go bag, I walked up the stairs to the two rooms Daniel had indicated were open. I walked straight past the first one, since I would be using the one closer to the entrance.

I opened the door to the second one and switched on the light as I led Everly inside. I placed her bag on the dresser and moved to switch on the bathroom light. All the while Everly followed behind me.

I turned to her and held her cheeks in my palms. “You’ll be safe here. I’ll make sure nothing, and no one, can get you.

Those blue green eyes were dull as she nodded at me. “I know.”

“There’s water on the nightstand and I’ll leave the bathroom light on for you.” I didn’t know what helped her, but having more light always helped me when I needed reassurance. “Is there anything else you need?”

Everly swallowed hard and lowered her eyes. “I don’t want to be alone.”

That I could help with. I nodded toward the bathroom. “Get ready for bed, I’ll go and make sure all the doors are locked and the alarm is set.”

One of the women at the main house had already helped her out of the corset and lent her a hoodie since she couldn’t go into her own bedroom.

I knew the entire process from my time staying at the B&B before I met Everly and Skylar. Daniel even gave me the new alarm code since Nick insisted that they change it every two weeks. Of course, as it turned out, alarm codes meant nothing if the power supply was cut. Jared had originally argued that we needed a system with a lithium battery, but the wait was too long and Everly had vetoed it because of the price. Well, she wouldn’t be going back to that cottage anyway. And wherever she moved to next would have whatever Jared recommended. Cost befucking damned. No one terrorizes what’s mine. And Everly was mine. Maybe not in the way I wanted her, but she was Skylar’s mother. And that made her mine to protect.

By the time I entered the room again, Everly was wearing the T-shirt I had in my go-bag. I could make out that she wasn’t wearing a bra, and it took everything I had to will my cock to stay down. Even twelve years later, the woman looked good in my clothes.

“I hope you don’t mind. I was looking for your toothpaste since Bex forgot to pack some for me.”