Page 25 of The Operator

“Thoughts. But not tonight. And I get the impression that that is not the reason you came in here.”

Bex smiled, those hazel eyes sparkling. “So, Mr. Urban Legend. What are your intentions with my friend?”

“At some point someone is going to have to explain that to me. And my intention is to get to know my daughter.”

“Everly can explain it and of course you want to get to know your daughter. That’s what any good and decent man would do.” She let out an exaggerated sigh. “But surely your intention is with Everly as well.”

How did I answer that without sounding like a douche? “There’s attraction, certainly. But Bex, I’m not a good prospect. I am all broken inside.” At one point I may have been capable of offering another human being love and caring and all the thingsthat Everly deserves, but I just was not that person any longer. “I need to be a good dad for Skylar, and I am not sure that is even enough.”

Bex cocked her head to the side and narrowed her eyes. “Don’t you think you should’ve thought about that before you kissed her.”

Of course. I couldn’t help but smile. “Do you ladies tell each other everything?”

“Everything that matters.” Bex shrugged and stood up. “And trust me, a heated kiss with the baby daddy matters.”

With that she stood and walked out of my office, and I followed only moments later.

Back at the cottage, I was alone in the house. Even the little pup was with Skylar at Grace’s. She wouldn’t be sleeping over there, but she and Grace and another friend of theirs were doing a school project together and since circumstances worked out that way, they decided to work on it while I went and watched Everly on stage for the first time. They’d be sleeping over at the other friend’s house.

I walked into the house, and something felt off. I looked around and nothing was out of place. Still, the hairs at the back of my neck rose. Nothing was out of place in the living room. Everly had left the pile of mail on the coffee table before she left, and her coffee mug was in the sink.

I shook off the unease and got ready for the evening. After a quick shower I pulled on a pair of jeans and a black polo shirt. From what I could understand, The Reverse Cowgirl had a relaxed dress code, but it still paid to put in some effort. I pulled my black leather jacket from the hanger, and grabbed my keys.

As I stood in the doorway, I gave the living and open plan kitchen one more look. I wanted to make sure I memorized what the house looked like. It took several moments before I was satisfied. I closed the door and headed out to my new truck.

By the time I arrived at the bar, everyone was already there. The smell of beer and sweat hung in the air as I noticed a few people wearing cowboy hats. The staff even had branded black ones. In one back corner was a mechanical bull and someone was actually attempting to ride it backward. The place was far too kitsch to be described as a country and western bar, and yet the place was packed.

Lilly and Oliver had also decided to join us. Both of them had chosen to wear cowboy hats, and I had to admit that Lilly looked really adorable.

I nodded at Oliver. “Didn’t know you were joining us.”

“Lil and I want to have as many dates as possible over the next seven months. Once the baby arrives, those will come to an end.”

“Only for a little while.” Brie, one of Everly's best friends piped up. “Then you learn to express milk and you get over the fear that they’ll think you’ve abandoned them. You’ll realize that they’re happy with grandma and grandpa, and you’ll realize it’s time to date again. Or stay home and fuck each other’s brains out which I assume is what Anna and Nick are doing since when I dropped the twins off, little Matty was there.”

Oliver nodded. “Right, then.”

Yeah, I got the distinct impression that it had been a while since Brie had been on a date.

Unlike me, Bex had no problem asking exactly that. “I take it you haven’t been on a date in a while.”

“The last time I was on a date, someone shot at me and injured Mason.” Her eyes narrowed. “I am hoping for a very different result tonight.”

Bex smiled. “I bet you are.”

Brie turned to me. “So, you’re the urban legend man. We haven’t been formally introduced. I’m Brie by the way.”

I took her hand. “Noah, and I have heard of you.”

“From Ev? Then it's all good. She’d never say a bad word about me.”

“I could start now, if you continue to call him the urban legend man.”

I turned to the source of that voice. My heart stuttered as I took her in. That blonde hair was curled and appeared just a little shorter. The makeup that brought out everything good about that pretty face. The fuck me high heeled boots, the painted-on leather pants. All of it. But it was the corset that got my dick hard. It pushed up her breasts and cinched her waist. The woman was a goddess under normal circumstances, but ready to perform, she was my every wet dream come to life.

“You’re beautiful.” Those were the only words that came to mind. I think I opened my mouth several times to speak but couldn’t manage any other words.

“Thanks.” She looked among all of us and then back at me. I would guess she was blushing, but it was well concealed by her makeup. “I just wanted to come say hi before I went up. I hope you all enjoy it. And a round of drinks for this table is on the house.”