“Pleasant?” she scoffed. “Controllers don’t know the meaning of the word.”
Kyrex drove the trainers all the way into her passages and then straightened and drew back the flogger. The strands covered one entire cheek and then the other. Lovely red marks bloomed on her pale skin as he swung the flogger over and over. She endured the discomfort in stubborn silence until he aimed for the middle of her ass. A sharp cry tore from Eden’s throat as the strands fanned out, sneaking into the valley between her cheeks and stinging areas of her body that were seldom touched.
Next, Kyrex aimed for the underside of her cheeks. Eden wailed, her hips twisting and bucking. She clutched the bedding and squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the pain and humiliation. Kyrex continued to rain down stinging slaps until her entire ass and the backs of both thighs were bright red and lightly welted.
He sat down beside her and lightly stroked her punished bottom. “Who do you belong to, sweet mate?”
Neloff sensed the wave of affection Kyrex pushed into her mind as he spoke the words. She needed to submit, to open her mind or the lesson would only reinforce her anger.
“I belong to myself, but I’m allowing you to control me. I want you to control me.” A sob escaped with her final statement, “I’m trusting you to control me.”
“We will not violate your trust, but this lesson is important.” Knowing what Neloff intended to do, Kyrex slowly drew the connected trainers from their mate’s trembling body.
Neloff liberally coated two thin rods withyahotugel. The rounded tips and semirigid material would allow him to penetrate Eden’s body, then the rods would disintegrate. He inserted the first rod well into her pussy, making sure that the gel coated her clit as well as her inner walls. The second rod was pushed into her bottom. He coated her rippled opening then crossed the room and thoroughly washed his hands.
“Why don’t you want that to touch your skin? What the hell did you just put inside me?” she asked, her voice sharp and uncertain.
“Yahotugel,” Neloff told her. “It has healing properties, so it will not harm you. However, it also creates the sort of sensations needed for this lesson.”
“Well, nothing is happening. Can I get up now? I’ve had enough of your lessons.”
“The lesson has barely begun,” Neloff warned. “We’ll check back with you in half an hour to see if your attitude has changed.”
Both males walked from the bedroom and left Eden strapped down on the bed, ass in the air.
“Did you loosen the cables so she can move around? She has already been restrained for quite a while.” Neloff glanced back at the apartment door. Isolation was part of the process. Eden needed to focus entirely on what her body was telling her.
“Of course I did. Any controller who harms his mate is not worthy of her.”
“And you’re scanning her mind?” Neloff asked as they reached the end of the corridor. Of the two, he was the stronger empath, but Kyrex’s scans provided more detailed information.
“Every few minutes. If she grows too agitated, I’ll let you know. But we need to let this build. If we give in too soon, the buildup will have been for nothing.”
“I know, but I will want to run to her as soon as she starts to feel the heat. Needing to shelter her is my basic nature.”
Kyrex smiled. “I’ll hold you back, brother. I know this feels adversarial, but it’s the only way she will learn.”
* * *
Two hours later Eden was frantically humping the bed and moaning like a wounded animal. No matter what she did she couldn’t trigger an orgasm. Her entire body ached with unfulfilled desire and still she couldn’t come. The heat inside her built gradually until she screamed into the bedding, sure that her flesh was being consumed from the inside out. But gradually the burning sensations faded and carnal hunger took its place.
The second stage of her torture was much worse than the first. The loosened cables allowed her to move her arms and legs. She could arch and buck, but not turn over or reach between her thighs. Cycle after cycle of arousal swelled within her, dragging her right to the brink of orgasm. Her core would clench so hard she saw stars, but the tension never released. She maneuvered a pillow between her legs. She rubbed against the bedding. She thought about filthy situations, imagining orgies and graphic fantasies so twisted that she wanted to scrub her mind with soap and water. She even lay perfectly still and simply let the sensations wash over her. Nothing worked.
One cycle rolled into the next until near hysteria dictated her actions. She groaned and twisted, arched and thrust, desperately trying to find a position or motion that would give her body some measure of relief.
Finally, her stubbornness ripped open and she reached out for her traitorous mates. They had done this to her. But she also knew they were the only ones who could end her torment.
Please, mates, she sobbed harshly, tears streaming down her face.I’m sorry. I was wrong. Suppressants are evil. I was very, very wrong.She pushed her need across the mind link along with her apology.Please, help me. I need you so bad.
The door opened a few moments later and Neloff and Kyrex hurried across the bedroom. Her bonds released completely but she was too weak to move. The bed dipped and swayed as one of them crawled onto the bed. She felt him position his cock against her pussy. She didn’t even care which one took her as long as they gave her release.
The cock entered steadily, firm without being hard. Neloff. His warm hands grasped her hips and his hips began to rock.
“Thank you, Sir.” She lifted into each thrust, the only motion she could manage. His cock slid in and out four times and her long-denied orgasm erupted. The sensations burst brightly, but faded just as fast.
“Good girl,” Neloff praised then lifted her upper body until she rested on her hands and knees.
Her body was carefully rotated until her head was near the edge of the bed. This gave Kyrex access to her mouth. She licked her lips, easily anticipating what her controller required of her. Kyrex stood beside the bed, pants open, long hard cock ready to be pleasured. Neloff resumed his steady thrusts as she took Kyrex into her mouth. His pre-cum spread across her tongue, sending waves of tingling heat washing over her body.