He swung the belt twice, carefully avoiding the same area of her silky skin. He didn’t bother with the command. His actions spoke more eloquently than words.
Each time the belt landed she cried out, but she continued to cling to her pride.
“I’m running out of space on your ass and spanking the backs of the thighs is even more painful,” he warned.
“Please, stop,” she sobbed, her anger rapidly evaporating. “I just wanted to talk to my friends.”
Her sorrowful tone made him smile. Was she trying to make him feel sorry for her? Probably, but it wouldn’t work. She needed to submit, accept his authority, and it must start right now. “Apologize.”
“I’m sorry.”
The words were there but her tone, and emotions, still blared defiance. He lightly dragged the belt across her sensitized skin, a warning he seldom offered. “Now mean it.”
“I’m sorry I threw the juice at you. I’m really frustrated right now.”
He pulled her up off the table as he sat down on her chair and pulled her onto his lap. She gasped and shuddered as her well-spanked bottom made contact with his thighs. He let the belt drop to the tiled floor and brushed the hair back from her tear-streaked face. “Talk to me, Eden. Neloff is recovering nicely. Why are you so frustrated?”
The hem of her T-shirt pooled in her lap, covering her nakedness. She licked her lips and glanced at him, then turned her face away. “On Still Water Farms we were kept busy every hour of every day. I wasn’t at the Citadel long, but it was basically the same. I feel useless here. I’m just walking around aimlessly or playing computer games. I feel like my life is on hold, but I’m not sure what I’m waiting for.”
“Things will make more sense once you have access to your power.” What he’d really wanted to say was that things would make more sense once they claimed her, but it was obvious that she wasn’t ready to accept that concept.
Eden’s troubled image faded into the past and Neloff came back into focus.
“A spanking couldn’t have surprised her,” Neloff mused. “Even I spanked her before I fucked her. The belt was a bit harsh, but it sounds like she deserved it. Why did she threaten to leave?”
A barrage of emotions assailed Kyrex as he pictured the night before. “I thought that her attitude would improve after I established my authority, but she grew even more belligerent. All day yesterday she flung verbal barbs hoping I would engage. I had too much to do, so I ignored her until just after dinner. We’d moved into the living room to enjoy a glass of wine. She was sitting on the sofa finally adorned in one of the Houkdi-style dresses I had given her. We were talking about her training and how frustrated she was by her inability. Out of nowhere she started the argument that finally snapped my control.”
The confession drew his mind back to the troubling event.
“Are you struggling with your sexual orientation?” she asked as the conversation lagged. “Are you sure you like females?” Challenge arched her brows and one corner of her lips quirked into a subtle smirk.
Kyrex felt his jaw drop. “Shall I come over there and show you how much I like females?”
Her gaze locked with his, the grayish-green depths shimmering with challenge. “Isn’t that why we’re here? I thought you were going to court me, but all we’ve done is talk.”
Pushing slowly to his feet, he walked across the room and pulled her to her feet. “If you want my cock, Eden, all you have to do is ask for it.”
“I shouldn’t have to ask,” she countered. “You’re a controller. Why don’t you?—”
He fisted the back of her hair and claimed her mouth with his. He was ravenous for her taste and didn’t hold back. His tongue swept back and forth across her lips then boldly pushed inside. He slid against her tongue for a moment then returned to tease her lips.
She lifted her arms and he whipped her dress off over her head. She was naked beneath, a clear sign that she was as desperate as he was. Unable to resist the temptation, he pushed her to her knees and ripped open the front of his pants.
“Suck, sweetness,” he growled out. “Suck me hard.”
“But I don’t?—”
He drove his length into her mouth and reveled in the sight of her kiss-swollen lips stretched tight around his thickness. Her luminous eyes stared up at him uncertainly, her face flushed with passion.
He drew nearly out then slid deep again. “Suck,” he said urgently. What was she waiting for?
Her hands came up to brace against his thighs and she drew on him tentatively.
The uncertainty in her gaze took him by surprise. “Didn’t you do this for Neloff?”
She shook her head as well as she could with his cock in her mouth and desire exploded through Kyrex. He’d only meant to enjoy her mouth for a moment and then fuck her tight little pussy. But the thought of being the first to spill his seed down her throat suddenly overwhelmed him.
He took her face between his hands and slid his cock in and out. She sputtered and gasped as he went deeper. Her hands slid up to his hips but she didn’t push him away.