Page 37 of Hunted

It was Jobek’s way of giving her permission to come. She was always happy to obey that particular order. The vibrator passed over her clit and she came so hard that her back arched clear off the bed. Lights flickered behind her eyelids and both of her passages clenched hard around the toys filling them.

When she recovered enough to open her eyes, she found her mates kneeling over her pumping their cocks. They released a moment later, painting her breasts and belly with hot, creamy seed. Two days ago this would have horrified and humiliated her. Now it made her feel decadent and desired.

They cleaned her gently with warm cloths and took turns kissing her as they eased the toys from her passages. Tandor walked into the bathroom so he could recycle everything they’d used while Jobek crawled off the mattress and went to stand at the foot of the bed. Without explanation, he caught her ankle and pulled her toward the edge. She gasped then giggled, still endorphin drunk.

“Hands and knees,” Jobek directed, his gaze gleaming dangerously. “Face away from me.”

He’d already taken her ‘doggie-style.’ She was hoping the next time they had sex he would take her face to face. Not wanting another power struggle, she shifted so she faced away from him and then got on her hands and knees.

“As I thought.” He stroked her bottom cheeks lightly, his tone reflective. “The redness from your spanking has faded. That will never do. I want my marks vivid on this sweet little ass when I come inside it for the first time.”

She gasped and looked back at him. “Why?” she cried. “I’ve been good. Haven’t I?” Her heart thudded and her mouth went dry.

Before Jobek could answer, Tandor returned and joined him at the foot of the bed. “She doesn’t look pleased, brother. Did you just tell her what comes next?”

“I did, but she would like to know why. Should I tell her or just demand that she submit?”

“She seems to accept our expectations better if she understands the context. ‘Because I said so’ seems to bring out her stubbornness.”

Jobek nodded. “I have noticed that too.”

“Have you noticed how much I dislike being talked about as if I’m not there?” She sat up and drew her legs to her chest, wrapping her arms around her knees.

“Let me see if I can give you a little context,” Jobek offered with a wicked smile. “You had three virgin holes when we caught you. By hunter law all three of your holes now belong to us. It is also the right of your mates to possess your entire body.”

“Those rights are not valid unless I choose you,” she pointed out.

“Your body chose for you,” he countered. “You should have told us how close you were to activation. That is part of the reason I’m struggling to form this bond. Your energy is extremely volatile.”

She sighed. She hadn’t set out to deceive them, but she still felt guilty. “I was given a booster shot for my suppressant. It was supposed to have calmed things down.”

“Well, let me spell things out for you. You’re going through the motions of submission, but your will has yet to yield to mine. That must happen before I can complete the link that will stabilize your gift.” Jobek took a deep breath then looked deep into her eyes. “Who owns your body, Ansley? Who is your controller?”

She swallowed as her pulse began to race. The hard truth was if Jobek and Tandor didn’t claim her, some other team would. She liked these two males, was starting to trust them. It made more sense to continue on with this courtship than to give in to fear and start over when she reached the Citadel.

“You are my controller,” she admitted. “You and Sir own my body.”

“That’s right.” Jobek grasped her upper arms and pulled her to her knees. Then he turned her around and spoke softly into her ear. “I claimed your virgin mouth, made you swallow my seed.” His already deep voice became a sexy growl. “I came so hard that I nearly passed out. That only happens with a mate.”

Echoes of the pleasure teased her mind. She’d felt so helpless as his cock robbed her of breath for the first time, but being taken so ruthlessly, being used stirred something dark and hungry deep inside her. She had come harder with his cock down her throat than she’d ever come before she met them. And things only escalated from there.

“I was the first to fuck your pussy.” Tandor moved in close on her other side, his words taking on the same growly tone. “You felt so damn good as you came around my cock. I never wanted to stop fucking you. Why do you think that is?”

“I don’t know,” she whispered, but she knew. She’d wondered about the intensity and the instant connection she felt when she first saw them. She wasn’t afraid of them, knew inherently that she was safe with them.

“You touched yourself before you met us,” Jobek continued. “Have your orgasms with us been more intense than the pleasure you gave yourself?”

“You’re just better at it than I am.”

Jobek chuckled then turned her head sharply and kissed her mouth. “What else does it indicate?”

“That you’re my mates,” she acquiesced then flashed a challenging smile as she added, “ifI let you claim me, that is.”

Jobek’s expression hardened and he fisted the back of her hair. “I am your controller. That means it is my right to claim your tight little ass.”

She shook her head, tugging on his wrist. “You already did that. I don’t want to go through that again.”

He released his grip and slid his fingers from her hair. “What I did before was punishment. This will be different.”