Page 20 of Hunted

“Unlikely,” Jobek insisted. “We were in a room with all the other conduits and we did not feel connected to any of them in the same way we feel connected to you.”

She disregarded the claim with a soft scoff. “That’s just because you’ve seen me naked.”

He closed the distance between them and fisted the back of her hair. “I will never lie to you. You caught my attention because you dared to run from me, but this attraction has only one explanation. We are your mates. And you are ours. There is no doubt in our minds. All we need to do is convince you of the fact.”

“Good luck with that,” she muttered with a sigh. Her entire universe was unraveling. The last thing she needed was two aggressive males trying to… her thoughts skittered to a halt and she forced herself to reassess. She was a conduit, a second-level conduit. According to her research, she was one of the most powerful beings in the galaxy—or she would be as soon as her abilities were unlocked.

“You are no longer alone.” Jobek wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against his chest. “We will protect you.”

“I need to be able to protect myself,” she objected, pushing back just far enough that she could see his face. “Can you release my power without forming the permanent bond?”

Jobek tensed and slowly lowered his arms. “I can, but I will not. You are hurt and angry right now. You need to calm down before you—”

“I am perfectly calm,” she snapped angrily. “It’s a logical solution to a surreal problem. Releasing my power will protect me better than anything else. You two cannot be with me every hour of every day.”

“We can while we are courting,” Tandor assured her with a charming smile.

He was trying to defuse the argument rapidly building between Jobek and her, but Ansley was having none of it. She needed this situation to escalate. “Virgins are worth more. They’re easier to sell. You guys told me that.”

Jobek shook his head, but he was much too calm. “Your first time should be special, memorable. Not motivated by fear.”

If he wouldn’t respond to logic, she’d go on the attack. No controller would put up with being attacked. “You said you would meet all of my needs. Was that a lie? I need access to my power. Will you give it to me or not?”

“I already told you no. Now, move on.”

“Then your word is worth nothing.” She increased the intensity of her voice without actually shouting. “Your promises are shit. You’re a liar!”

“That’s enough.” His eyes narrowed dangerously.

She was definitely getting to him, but was she brave enough to follow this through to the end? Could she snap his control and unleash his passion? He would fuck her fast and hard, controlling her completely. That was his nature, not to mention his job.

“I don’t know why I’m surprised,” she grumbled, glaring up at him. “Everyone lies to me. Why should you be any different?”

“I have not lied,” he gritted out between clenched teeth. Then he took a breath and relaxed his jaw. “I told you no and you did not like it so you’re acting like a child.”

“Fuck you,” she sneered, fully committed to her choice. “You know, scratch that. If you won’t fuck me, I’ll find someone who will.” She spun on the ball of her foot, meaning to approach Tandor. Jobek caught her upper arm and swung her back around.

“Tandor and I are a team,” Jobek warned. “We will never allow you to play one of us against the other.”

“Is that so?” She reached down and unknotted the belt on her wraparound dress. “Let’s see how long that lasts.” She opened the dress, revealing her naked body.

Jobek’s smoldering gaze swept from her neck to her knees. The bulge in the front of his pants doubled in size, but all he did was reach down and close the dress. “I am not going to fuck you. Not like this.”

“You useless pussy.” Taking advantage of his shock, she shoved him back so hard he nearly lost his balance. If she continued to challenge him, he would have no choice but to punish her and punishing her turned him on. That much had been clear when he spanked her. She no longer cared what it took. She was determined to lose her virginity before this night was through.

Jobek recovered fast enough to catch her shoulders and prevent her retreat. “Your heightened emotions are understandable, but I cannot allow this disrespect. Apologize and then go to one of the bedrooms and calm down. We will contin—”

“Go to my room? Are you kidding me? If you haven’t noticed, I’m not a child.” She twisted out from under his hands as she turned to face him. “And if you tell me to calm down one more time, I’m going to punch you in the face!” She raised her arm, hand tightly fisted.

“Hit me and there will be severe consequences.”

Anger ignited in Jobek’s dark eyes and Ansley sucked in an anxious breath. It was now or never, and Jobek had just told her exactly what to do. “I will never bond with you, you fucking bastard!”

And then Ansley punched him in the face.


She is intentionally provoking you, Tandor warned as Jobek wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth.