Page 57 of Hunted

Sensing her near hysteria, they slowed down and caressed her gently until she regained control of her emotions. “My emotions can be overwhelming,” she explained, “and now I’m feeling yours too.”

“Should we shield you from it for a while?” Tandor asked.

“No. I love it; just give me a second to catch my breath.”

They shifted onto the bed, holding her between them. Tandor pulled her top leg up to his hip and they slowly began to move inside her again.

“Better?” Jobek asked as he reached around and palmed one of her breasts.

“Yes. Everything is just so much more intense.”

“It doesn’t have to be,” he told her. “It can be slow and sweet.” He peppered kisses across her shoulder as he barely moved inside her ass.

Tandor followed Jobek’s lead, filling her pussy with slow, shallow thrusts.

She relaxed into the new rhythm and her arousal began to build. “You guys can come like this?”

Jobek laughed. “We can come just thinking about you. This is paradise.”

She reached back and ran her fingers through his damp hair. The motion arched her back and pushed his cock deeper into her bottom.

“Oh, yeah,” he muttered.

They seldom let her move once they started fucking her, so she took advantage of the novelty. Rocking her hips, she slid herself onto one as she pulled off the other. The slide felt wonderful but they were no longer moving together.

“I need—”

They thrust in hard together, stealing her breath.

“We know what you need,” Tandor said. “Now let go, and let us.”

Over and over they filled her together. She climbed steadily this time, desire coiling like a spring. When it finally sprang, the sensations detonated with a sudden burst of pleasure. She cried out and clung to Tandor’s shoulders as her pussy rippled around his cock. The powerful spasms tightened her back passage around Jobek’s thickness and they both thrust to the hilt.

Wave after wave of sensations crashed down upon the three. Jobek shuddered, his cock bucking as he spilled his seed. Tandor buried his face in Ansley’s hair, lost in bliss. He was only vaguely aware of his seed spilling deep inside of her, but she felt each hot spurt. They trembled together panting and groaning as the pleasure went on and on.

“That was…” She had no words. Adequate descriptors simply did not exist. She had never imagined that pleasure like that existed. “Will it be like that every time?”

Tandor laughed and stroked the hair back from her face. “Hoping or fearing?”

“I’m not sure I’ll survive if it’s going to be like that every time.”

“Pleasure is more intense with a bonded mate, but that was crazy,” Jobek admitted. “We might need to mute the link for a while until we get used to how it feels.” Ansley started to object, so he quickly clarified. “Soften, not silence. It’s a lot to take in, especially for someone who had never experienced a mind link a few weeks ago. Tandor and I were born empathic and we grew up sending and receiving thoughts. This is all new for you.”

“It’s probably a good idea, but only if it’s temporary. I love having access to all of you and I want to share all of me with both of you.” Her exuberance made her mates laugh. “Why is that funny?”

“You’re just adorable,” Tandor told her as he leaned down to kiss her mouth. “You fill our lives with joy and that’s something we’ve both needed for a very long time.”


The next two weeks passed in a blur of training and blistering passion. The fallout from the accidental explosion of Verbet’s ship had been minimal. Zevon sent copies of Tandor’s scans along with the Citadel’s official apology for the tragic accident. The scans proved that the explosion had been unintentional and was caused by the experimental power source onboard Verbet’s ship. Zevon’s scientists were still trying to figure out what the power source might have been, but basic security scans didn’t provide a lot of information. Emperor Jevara threatened immediate and terrible retribution for the ‘murder’ of his half-brother, but he’d never so much as launched a ship. Tandor was confused by Jevara’s pacifism. It wasn’t like the volatile ruler of Torret to ignore even the slightest wrong.

Tandor and the other members of his triad spent each day, and many evenings, exploring and fine-tuning their new abilities. When they weren’t training, they were fucking and they didn’t always make it back to their quarters before the need for each other took over. Ansley was passionate and selfless with her body. She reveled in their dominance, eagerly surrendering control. But as soon as their desire was sated, her feistiness returned. She was spirited, opinionated, and confident, and they wouldn’t want it any other way.

By working with a variety of mentors, the new triad progressed more quickly than if they had worked with just one. DNA analysis revealed that Ansley was primarily Altorian, but one of her grandparents had likely been from Torret. Tandor and Jobek each had a Torretian parent, so their energy contained a high concentration of water. This allowed Ansley to manifest water as well as fire, but forming fire into useable shapes came more easily to her.

Raina told Ansley about a process called power exchange that would allow her to transform water into fire or vice versa. It took several days, and the assistance of Raina and both of her cousins, but Ansley found the psychic pathways that allowed her to exchange one element for another. Being able to seamlessly switch between elements, or maybe learn to combine them into something new, made the possibilities nearly limitless. So they’d focused entirely on mastering the new skill for the past three days. It still took a lot of effort, and Ansley was just starting to imagine all of the things she could manifest, but she’d accomplished the conversion all afternoon.

It was late in the evening now, and they were about to return to their quarters so they could share a meal and some much-needed pleasure. They had been working hard since early this morning and their appetites, physical and carnal, wouldn’t wait much longer.