He bends down until his face is close to mine, and his hand closes around a fistful of hair at the top of my head, holding me in place, while he continues to thrust into me. I smile at him, and he reciprocates that smile, before he comes even closer, bringing his lips to mine for another kiss.
I’m so close to coming, but I don’t want it to happen just yet, and not without his permission. He’s going to give it to me any minute now, I know that. I close my eyes and continue to ride each wave of pleasure that courses through my veins with his shoves.
But then, he breaks our kiss and a sinister smile graces his handsome face before his entire body stiffens. He thrusts into me one more time, long and deep, before he freezes and his entire body starts to tremble violently. The suppressed groan that fills the room tells me what I already suspected, but I don’t understand it still.
Slowly, I can feel his body relaxing on top of me, and he supports himself on his elbows, before he places a quick peck on my lips.
„Good girl,” he praises.
„I…I didn’t come,” I say, sounding as ailed as I feel.
His smile widens. „Because I didn’t allow it.”
„No, you didn’t. But…why didn’t you?”
He caresses the side of my face and wipes away a strand of hair that’s been sticking to my sweaty cheek. The expression on his face is loving and appreciative, but his words are not.
„Because that’s your punishment for today,” he says. „You’re going to walk out of here with my cum dripping out of that beautiful pussy. But you’re not allowed to come today.”
„What?” I blurt out. „Why not?”
He huffs. „Because of the way you were acting in class today, because of the way you dressed. You have been very naughty.”
I frown at him. „This isn’t fair!”
His face tightens, and a shallow line appears between his brows. He straightens his back, and I almost whine in disappointment, when he pulls himself out of me. He turns around and reaches for a box of tissues, which he hands to me without saying another word.
„Are you serious?” I ask as I reach for the tissues.
„Dead serious,” he says, while he gets dressed again. „I know, you probably would have preferred a proper spanking, but that wouldn’t really have been a punishment now, would it?”
„Are you sure you’re not doing this because of the other night?”
The line between his eyebrows deepens, and for a moment there’s a taste of confusion in his expression when he looks at me.
„What are you talking about?”
„You know exactly what I’m talking about,” I retort. „You were ranting about your sister’s idea, and I dared to mention that maybe it’s not all bad and you shouldn’t dismiss it right away and—”
„Yes, I remember,” he cuts me off.
He’s shaking his head, when he comes closer to me, offering me a hand to get down from the table. I refuse his offer and slip down the table by myself.
„You’re putting things out of perspective,” he argues. „That has nothing to do with this. Why would you think I’d punish you for that?”
„I don’t know! Because you’re disappointed in me? Because you thought I was someone I’m not?” I lament, while I get dressed again. „We already established that I’m not a real mathematician like you are, because it’s not my passion. And maybe you’re not happy with my work either? You seem to think I’m not smart enough for y—”
„No, no, that’s not it,” he tries to assure me. „What the hell is going on with you, Claire?”
He tries to place his hands on my shoulders, but I shake him off and take a step back before I pull my top over my head.
„Why do you think I’m disappointed in you?”
„Because you are!” I yelp, a little too loud for comfort. „I could tell from the way you looked at me. And the way you’ve been treating me ever since.”
He tilts his head to the side and regards me with a probing look. „How have I been treating you?”
„Distant and cold,” I say. „You didn’t even touch me that night, as if I was the biggest letdown ever. I thought you didn’t want to have anything to do with me anymore, but I guess I wasn’t entirely right when it comes to that. You still need me as a fucktoy, whenever it pleases you.”