„Oh, thank God,” she responds. „That’s good. Otherwise, I would have had to call the dean and make sure you don’t get left behind, just because someone else got sick.”
„Yeah,” I retort vaguely. My aunt would be ready to set the world on fire if it would advance my academic career.
„So, is he nice?” she asks—and I’m eternally grateful that she can’t see me right now, because I feel the heat on my cheeks in an instant.
„Er…yeah, I guess,” I murmur. „We haven’t spoken much so far, but he seems competent, good at what he does.”
And he’s especially skillful with his fingers and has the most captivating eyes I’ve ever seen. And his voice makes me quiver.
„Competent, that’s good. That’s all we need, right?” My aunt says.
„Sure,” I reply, even though I’m not sure I agree. Expertise is nice, especially when it comes to science, but I’ve had the questionable pleasure of being taught by some of the most reputable luminaries in my area, and some of them are quite hard to work with.
„You sound tired, are you sleeping enough?” Maureen probes. „I know university can be a lot of fun, but remember what’s truly important in the long run.”
„Yes, ma’am,” I tease, while I roll my eyes at her. „Why do you always assume I’m just out here partying? When have I ever been like that?”
„Well, you’re right about that,” she admits. „You’re very much like your boring old aunt.”
I smile. „I thought you were my cool aunt?”
Maureen was always adamant that that’s all she ever wanted to be, not a mom, but a cool aunt. I remember that even my Dad used to call her that.
„Am I?” She sighs, clearly happy to hear that.
„Of course,” I maintain. „I don’t think there are many aunts who share a doobie with their nieces out there.”
„Or show them how to roll one!” she adds, laughing. „Boy, you were such a clutz.”
„Well, I guess it’s a good thing I never made a habit of it,” I say.
„Oh yes, definitely,” my aunt agrees. „I recently read a study about what it can do to young brains. You should leave the smoking to us old people, and focus on school.”
„I am, don’t worry,” I say.
„I know, you never gave me much reason to worry,” she says. „You’ve always been such a good girl. Almost too good.”
A good girl.That term has forever changed its meaning to me. It’s true that I’ve never been one to cause trouble, but somehow I now find myself in a position where being a good girl comes with a sinful risk that could destroy everything.
We say our goodbyes, and as I put my phone down, I can’t help but wonder: Would it really be so bad if I wanted to be a good girl justfor him?
Chapter 12
„Bye, professor.”
Her words are still echoing in my ears, like the seductive melody of a siren. It won’t leave my head, no matter how hard I try, just like I can’t wipe the sight of her in that club, wrapped in lingerie like a sultry present just for me.
I only had that one class to teach today, but for some reason I spent the whole day hiding my office after she left. The semester has just started, so there are no assignments to work on just yet, and my preparations for this class are pretty much done for the semester because I’ve taught this exact same course several times before.
But I didn’t want to go home. I didn’t want to leave my office and walk across campus while it was still busy with students and run the risk of running into her.
So, I stayed, hidden in my little cave, while I worked on a problem that’s been occupying me for a while. I enjoy teaching a lot, but what really drove me into this field is an unquenchable thirst for understanding, a curiosity that never rests—and a love for numbers that I was never able to put into words. To me, there’s nothing more beautiful than numbers and the way they depict and explain everything in our world. Math really doesn’t deserve the hate it gets.
I even manage to forget about her for a few minutes here and there, as my mind is busy with Zeta functions and the Riemann hypothesis. I’m so taken in by my work, that I don’t even notice the sun setting outside, and by the time I can feel the embrace of utter exhaustion, it’s almost seven in the evening.
I make a quick call and let my driver know that I’m ready to go home before I start packing my things and get ready to leave. It’s highly unlikely that Claire is still around, but I still need a moment to take a deep breath, before I can get myself to push the door open and walk out into the world.