“That might take some serious magic.”
“If anyone can do it, it’s her,” I said. “She’s good.”
The bartender delivered two more drinks and placed them in front of us.
Rowan handed me mine. “There’s one plus side to this.” She clinked our glasses together.
“And that is?”
I stared at her mouth as she said, “Me.”
It only took that one word for my dick to grow into the stiffest hard-on. My hand gripped the glass with so much strength that I was positive it was going to shatter.
“You … huh?”
“Well, we wouldn’t have met if your flight hadn’t been delayed.” She took a drink. “Things have a way of working out the way they’re supposed to.”
I mashed my lips together, my stare taking a slow dip down her body. “Tell me, how are things going to work out for me? Or even better, how are they going to work out for us?”
The redness that moved through her face was a sight I couldn’t get enough of. The color had deepened to a dark crimson, and it matched the gloss on her lips.
“Us?” Her laugh was a beat my ears appreciated. “I wasn’t exactly referring to that.”
“What were you referring to, then?”
Her stare changed. It almost pulled back, taking in the entire picture. “You’re direct, aren’t you, Cooper Spade?”
“When I want something, I go after it. I don’t believe in waiting. Time only allows other things to interfere.”
“Like …”
“Another man taking my seat. A meeting that you must suddenly get to. A phone call that takes you away and you don’t return.”
“All possibilities, I suppose.” She turned her body a little toward mine. “What exactly do you want, and what are you going after?”
“Not what, but who.” I leaned across the small space between us, getting closer to her. From here, I took deep breaths of her perfume as it wafted off her neck. All that did was make me wonder what the skin around her navel smelled like. If her pussy held an aroma that was as sweet as I imagined. “And that who is you,” I whispered just above her ear.
“Not what, but who … and that who is you.”
Even though Cooper had just spoken those words, they continued to echo through my ears, vibrating across my chest, purring through my entire body.
He wanted me.
An interesting admission, to say the least.
Except I knew his type, my two older brothers, Ridge and Rhett, were just like him. They would walk into any room—whether it be a business meeting, a bar, or even a place as unexpected as the dentist—and it was like the women could smell them the second their toes crossed the entrance. Those immediate connections were just based on their good looks, but when they spoke, revealing their charm, the ladies were even more captivated. They would compete for my brothers’ attention, doing absolutely anything to gain it.
Ridge and Rhett would then have their pick of which woman they wanted to bring home.
Or women.
Depending on how they decided to roll for the night.
As much as I wished I didn’t know about my brothers’ sexual escapades, I’d witnessed it more times than I could count.