Page 34 of The Rebel

“Her pussy,” Brady said.

I nodded. “I certainly like that, too, but it’s not all about that.”

Macon stretched his arm across Brooklyn’s shoulders. “We’re ready for double dates.”

“Exactly what Macon just said.” Brooklyn smiled.

Brady shook his head. “I’m melting. Really. The cuteness—I just can’t fucking handle it.”

I laughed. “But in order for that double date to happen—or any date for that matter—Rowan needs to call. All the power is in her hands.”

“Hold up,” Macon said. “Why is it up to her? You can’t text her?”

“I don’t have her number,” I admitted.

Macon looked at Brooklyn. “Rule one, which I learned the hard way, is that you always get the number, brother.”

Feeling the heat from the fire, I rolled up the sleeves of my shirt. “It wasn’t that I didn’t want it, it was that she didn’t offer it. So, I gave her mine.”

“And you haven’t heard from her yet?” Brooklyn asked.

I pulled out my phone, scrolling through the notifications that had come in since I’d last checked, not a single one from a number I didn’t recognize. “Nah, nothing.” I returned my cell to my pocket. “She was flying back to LA today too. I’m sure she’s with her family. She missed the whole holiday, like me.”

But the truth was, I had no idea what her plans were. She never discussed them.

I was assuming—something I’d done a shit ton of during our time together.

“I don’t know how to handle this not-in-control thing.” I sat up, dropping my feet to the floor. “In the past, I’ve always dictated the communication—when we speak, when we make plans. Yet here I am, waiting, like a fucking?—”


I looked at Brady. “I’ve had about enough of you.”

“But it’s the truth. If you hadn’t gotten any feelings involved, you wouldn’t be whimpering on the couch, like someone just took away your goddamn puppy.”

“You”—Brooklyn pointed at Brady—“need to zip it.” She then looked at me. “Let me tell you from personal experience, we don’t always reach out as quickly as you think we’re going to.” She gave Macon a quick smile. “Sometimes, it takes us time to process things and come to terms with it. I didn’t text Macon the same day or even the next day.”

“Or ever,” Macon clarified. “I had to hunt her ass down and find her myself.”

“I get that.” I adjusted the pillow behind my back. “I don’t mind hunting if that’s what it takes, but I also don’t want to chase someone who doesn’t want to be found.”

“I don’t think that’ll be the case,” Brooklyn said softly.

I smiled at the woman who I figured, one day soon, would be my sister-in-law. “What makes you think that?”

She shrugged, but her expression was confident. “Obviously, I don’t know her at all, but it’s just a hunch I have.”


She turned toward me, leaning her elbow on the back of the couch, her hand holding her face. “It sounds like Rowan and I might be a little similar. If it were me, there’s absolutely no way I’d spend three nights with a guy, including Christmas Eve and Christmas, if I didn’t feel something. I would have kicked him out after one night and spent the rest of the time alone.”

“Maybe she hates being lonely,” Brady offered.

“She has a phone, she could call her bestie,” Brooklyn countered. “She could hang out in the hotel bar. It’s not like she’d have to sit in her room and be by herself the whole time.” She grinned at him. “Nice try though.” She then grinned at me. “I guess what I’m trying to say is, be patient. And if you still don’t hear from her, which I’m sure you will, then make the effort.” She dropped her elbow to grab Macon’s hand. “It’ll be well worth it in the end.”

Before I could comment, there was the sound of heels clicking on the hardwood floor, and I turned toward the entryway of the living room, where Jo and Jenner were walking in.

“About fucking time,” Brady moaned.