Page 32 of The Rebel

I put my back to the window, the cold glass not even touching my body temperature.

I was burning up.

On the outside and on the inside.

“If he finds me … that’s not going to change anything.”

“Except how pissed he’ll be—that’ll change all right. He’ll go from the happiest man alive to the angriest.”

She was right.

“But, Sky, Cooper and I aren’t going to be friends after this. We’re not going to date. What happened in Lake Louise is going to stay in Lake Louise. It was three nights of fucking earth-shattering, scorching steam. And now, it’s over, and I’ve already moved on.”

She hummed, “But have you?”

My head shook even though I said, “Yes.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Then, believe this—some couples can smooth out all the logistics and roadblocks and find their happily ever after. But getting into a relationship with a Spade—my family’s number one enemy—is a scenario that will never ever work.”



“Looks like you got everything you wanted,” Brady said as he took a seat beside me on the couch. “You happy?”

With my legs extended across the ottoman and no plans to move anytime soon, I rubbed my stomach, full from all the food Klark had served tonight.

My mother had come through in a hard way and re-created Christmas. No matter how old we were, she treated the holiday like we were kids again, and I wasn’t complaining. The lights, scents, music, the whole meal—everything was the way I wanted it to be.

“Very,” I replied to my older brother. Except I could tell he felt the opposite. “Don’t tell me you’re about to complain that you had to eat turkey and prime rib two days in a row. I could eat that meal all week and never grow tired of it.”

“Same,” Macon moaned from the other side of the sectional. “But I’m so stuffed, I want to die.”

“That makes two of us.” Brooklyn rested her head on Macon’s shoulder. “Coop, tell us about your trip”—she glanced behind thecouch into the kitchen—“you know, the juicy stuff before your parents come in here and join us.”

Before I could say a word, Brady barked, “Who gives a shit about the juicy stuff? The more pressing matter is that we don’t have the land yet.” He looked at his watch. “Isn’t Jenner supposed to be here by now to give us an update?”

“I just spoke to him,” Macon responded. “He’s on his way over. Relax.”

Brady chuckled. “I know you didn’t just tell me to relax.” He sipped his scotch.

“Hey, Mom,” Macon yelled toward the kitchen. “When you come in, can you bring Brady a refill?”

“Sure, honey,” Mom replied.

Macon then glared at Brady. “Unless you prefer the whole bottle … you know, to help you relax.” He laughed.

“It might take that to get this one in a good mood.” I nodded toward Brady and then looked at Brooklyn—the best thing that had ever happened to my little brother. “The details are juicy, but I’m not going to share those. I will say this woman isn’t like any others I’ve ever met, and we had one hell of a time together.”

“What? You’re suddenly not going to kiss and tell? Normally, I can’t get you to shut up about the women you fuck,” Brady said, shaking his head. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you.”

“I do,” Brooklyn said. “He likes her. That’s what has gotten into him.”

“Jesus …” Brady rested his elbows on his knees, holding his drink between his legs. “Spare me the part where you confess your love. I don’t want to hear it. I want the goddamn juice.”

“Which you’re not getting,” I told him.