Page 23 of The Rebel

He looked at the screen of his phone, tapping it several times, eventually aiming it toward me. “The snow isn’t stopping. It’s supposed to continue through today, tonight, all of tomorrow, and finally let up the day after Christmas.”

I knew the weather. I’d checked this morning before he woke up. The storm had strengthened overnight, the accumulation far more than what they had predicted. Officials were urging people to stay off the roads, and the airport would reassess things on Christmas morning, but if conditions stayed the same, we probably weren’t going to get out of here until the day after Christmas.

Three total nights together.

Including a holiday.

With an infinite number of orgasms to come.

This was certainly going to be a time in my life that I would never forget.

“You didn’t happen to bring any mistletoe in your messenger bag, did you?” I joked, knowing a messenger bag was the only thing he had with him. The hotel had even provided toiletries since he hadn’t had any. “Or a tree? Or some lights? It’s going to be a very interesting Christmas.”

He hit a button on the tablet next to him, and the shades began to lift, showing the whiteout, the visibility so poor that I couldn’t even see the falling flakes. “We’ll be spending it right here.”

“Yes, we will.”

“You’re good with that?” he asked. “I know you’re missing out on some family plans.” His eyes left the window and focused on me.

“I’m good with it.”

“Then, you have me for two more nights.” He licked across his bottom lip. “Assuming you’re good with that, too, and you’re not going to kick me out.”

“And why would I do that? You feed me. You make me scream. I can’t think of a better scenario.”

I could though. But that scenario would be impossible.

And I’d be an idiot to bring it up.

“You’re happy … I like that.”

Although the screen was mostly hidden, I figured his thumbs were typing out a text, and when he finished, he placed the phone on the nightstand and crossed his arms under his head. The position caused his abs to flex, the blanket falling to the bottom of his happy trail.

A trail that was so incredibly sexy that I was wet again.

“And that’s going to continue until the airport reopens.” He exhaled a long breath. “You’ve got all this time with me, so what are you going to do with me, Rowan?”

“Nice try, but I’ve already asked you what tonight’s going to look like, so it’s on you, not me.” I pushed the hair out of my face. “Besides, you wouldn’t give up the control long enough for me to make a decision for us.”

“A few things.” He cleared his throat. “One, I asked what you were going to do with me—my body, my dick. It was a sexual question. I didn’t ask whatwewere going to do. And two, you like being dominated.”

“You’re assuming that.”

He untucked his hand from behind his head, and it shot beneath the blanket and went straight between my legs. “No, I know that,” he growled. When he lifted his fingers out, the ones that had just swiped me from clit to pussy, he made sure to show me how wet they were. “This proves that to me.” He licked the wetness off before his hand returned to its original spot.

My God.

He was untamed.


And everything I wanted in a man.

An admission that would, the day after Christmas, make this departure even more difficult.

“So, I’m going to ask you again, Rowan. What are you going to do with me?” He paused. “You have about twenty or sominutes before the food gets delivered. Why don’t you start with your mouth?”