Page 109 of The Rebel

“You don’t.”

I tugged at my lip, trying to hide the excitement on my face. “What if I wasn’t hungry?”

He chuckled. “Then, I would have one fucking incredible dinner all by myself.”

The cool air was turning his ears and the tip of his nose red, a look that was adorable on a man who was far too sexy to ever be described as adorable.

As he stood in front of me, wearing jeans that hugged him in a way that wasn’t tight but showed off his muscular legs, his jacket open revealing a dark blue shirt underneath that played up the color of his eyes, I was trying to keep myself tamed.

But, my God, this dreamy alpha brought everything out in me.

More than just passion.


A smile that was growing by the second.

He made me feel …

“And what if I already ate?” I challenged.

“You don’t eat this early.” He shifted his weight. “And if I was to guess, you got home from work about an hour ago”—his eyes dipped down my body—“and immediately changed into the comfortable clothes you have on.” His stare unhurriedly lifted, and every inch it rose was making it harder for me to breathe. “You poured yourself a glass of wine, and you were sitting in front of your computer, catching up on some emails, thinking about what you were in the mood to eat, but you didn’t do anything about it. Then, I showed up.”

“What, do you have some hidden camera on me?”

His smile was so handsome and charming; my bare toes drove into the hardwood floor beneath them to stay grounded.

“I know you better than you think I do, Rowan.”

My arm rose to the highest part of the door that I could reach. “Why are you really here, Cooper?”

“I didn’t like the way Brady spoke to you in the conference room this morning, and then I spent all day thinking about you. Sure, I could have called. I could have asked you to come out and grab something to eat with me. But I asked my privatechef, Klark, to talk me through a step-by-step process of how to prepare short ribs with pappardelle instead, and I took my ass to the store.” The softest smile made its way to his lips. “Now, I’m here.”

“You’ve never cooked that before?”

“I don’t cook. Not even for myself.”

“But you’re cooking for me …”

First, there had been the talk in the bar in Lake Louise. Then, there had been the meeting in his conference room where he had my back and the text exchange that followed. And now, he was here, doing this.

This was the man I’d originally met over Christmas.

I’d just never thought I’d ever see this version of him again.

My arm dropped, and I opened the door wide enough for him to come in.

“I can’t explain why I wanted to cook for you. For a man who barely knows his way around his own kitchen, this is a bit of a stretch for me. But, shit, I want to do it.” He took a step closer, our bodies now inches apart, his face slowly leaning down toward mine.

“Here’s what else I can tell you. I want to make this dinner for you, and under no circumstances will anything else happen between us this evening.” He moved both bags into one hand, holding my chin with the other. “I’m not going to strip your clothes off. I’m not going to lift you onto the counter and lick your pussy. I’m not going to carry you into your bedroom and fuck you for hours.” He swiped my lips with his thumb. “Tonight is going to be different, Rowan.”

If I’d thought it was hard to breathe before, I was positive, at this point, I couldn’t draw in a single bit of air.

But where my lungs were tight, the rest of my body was experiencing something so opposite. A looseness that almost made me wobbly.

Cooper had always shown his affection through touch and intimacy. He was suddenly taking that out of the equation. He was … courting me.

Spending time with me.