Page 83 of The Rebel

But it didn’t.

“I don’t understand.”

“It’s not difficult to comprehend.”

The arm that had originally dropped joined the other at the top of the door. When it did, I felt like I was stepping into his cologne.

That was how hard it hit me.

A scent that I now constantly craved.

“Well, it is for me.” I took a deep breath, which only punished me even more. “So, please explain.”

“The more we talk, the more time we spend together, the more you try to negotiate—or whatever the hell you attempted to do at your house and what you’re doing right now—it keeps you attached.” He gave a quick glance in my direction as he said, “Let me go, Rowan. Move on. Once you cut the cord and realize we’re never going to be anything, you can set your sights on someone else. It’ll be like we never happened.”

How could it be that easy for him?

My feelings weren’t simple at all.

And neither were his—I could feel that as deep as my soul.

Everything Cooper was saying right now was bullshit.

And I was going to call him out on it.

I ducked under his arms and moved inside the office, so I could look at him while I said, “You know what’s funny? Therewere moments the other night—you know, when we were naked and fucking in my bedroom—when you were so soft. Even softer than you had been in Canada.” I shifted my weight as I placed my hands on my hips. “It was the way you kissed me. The way you looked at me when your face was between my legs. Moments when I was thinking to myself,This man wants me. Needsme.” I paused as his expression began to harden. “Are you going to tell me that was all in my head? That none of it ever existed? That I was seeing things? Feeling things that weren’t real?”

“Rowan”—he glanced behind him, assuming to make sure no one was close or listening—“I can look around this floor and mentally convert the entire space into a restaurant. But you might look around here and just see offices. It’s all how a person wants to perceive something.”

I returned the smile. In fact, I grinned so hard that my cheeks hurt. “You’re precious—you know that? A precious fucking asshole.”

His teeth flicked his lip. “You’re looking for me to say something that I won’t.”


I knew that question was causing us to circle.

I didn’t care.

Everything he was saying was sending me straight over the edge.

“Because there’s no reason to,” he snapped. “I’ve already told you?—”

“Do you have a fucking problem?” Rhett shouted, his tone so loud that it cut Cooper off mid-sentence. “We can have it out right here. I give zero fucks.”

Cooper released the doorframe and turned around, immediately walking toward the center of the room, where my brother was squaring off with Cooper’s brother. As I made myway closer, I observed Rhett, the way he was almost chest to chest with Brady.

The look on my brother’s face terrified me.

He was going to explode.

I saw it in his eyes, his hands, his posture.

My oldest brother had no fear. He didn’t care who he pissed off. He didn’t filter his words. He wasn’t afraid to draw his fists in any situation.

He was the German shepherd of our family.

And if his frustration and attention were aimed at Brady, then something told me this wasn’t going to end well.