Page 152 of The Rebel

“Fuck off.” Brady gave me the finger.

Jo straightened the collar of her jacket and looked at Brady. “You’ve been that way for as long as I can remember. We love you for it.”

“Speak for yourself,” Macon joked. “Brady’s just all right in my opinion.”

“Well, your opinion sucks,” Jo countered.

“Someone is suddenly Team Brady now?” I teased my cousin.

“Why are we talking about me?” Brady shook his head. “Am I the reason you dragged our asses in here, or was it to gossip about the Coles, or do you have an actual purpose for this meeting? Because I have a shitload of things I need to do, and I really don’t feel like spending all night at the office.”

I chuckled. “Perfect example.” I nodded toward Jo. “And you were actually leaning toward Team Brady.”

Jo rolled her eyes.

“I brought you in here to tell you guys some news.” I looked around at each of their faces.

Macon, taking in the silence, hovered his body over the edge of the table. “You bought her a ring, didn’t you? That’s what this is about.”

“No.” I glanced down, wondering what they were going to say to the next part. “Rowan and I are having a baby.” I rubbed my lips together, waiting for their reactions. Just in case they needed more, I added, “She’s pregnant.”

Macon’s response came immediately. With his hands flat on the table, he pushed up on them, semi-standing. “Before I freak out, this is a good thing, yeah?”

I chuckled. The question was certainly warranted. “Yeah, man. It’s a really good thing.”

“Fuuuckyeah!” Macon yelled. He got up and wrapped me in a man hug. “Congrats, brother. I’m going to be an uncle. Shit, I’m excited.”

When he released me, Jo reached across the short distance between us and put her hand on my arm. “Oh, Cooper.” Her eyes gleamed as she gazed at me. “I’m so, so thrilled for you and Rowan. Why isn’t she here so I can congratulate her too?”

“She wanted me to tell you guys alone.” I thought of how to phrase the next part. “She thought it would be better.”

“Because of me,” Brady said.

His voice sliced through the air.

I nodded. “Yes, you’re one of the main reasons.”

His arms stayed crossed, the same position they’d been in since he’d sat down.

“I know you’re not pleased about us?—”

“I’m over it, Cooper,” he said, cutting me off, his arms finally dropping. “I’ve been over it. The fact that you keep tiptoeing around me is what I don’t understand.” I went to cut in, and he continued, “Do you think I’d be upset that you and your girl are going to bring another Spade into this world? Fuck no. I’m happy for you guys.”

“But she’s a Cole,” I offered.

“And I’m a fucking adult.” He pushed his chair back and crossed his legs. “I wasn’t happy in the beginning. I was furious at Walter for this merger. We all were. I just let it eat at me for a lot longer than the rest of you.” He exhaled loudly. “I haven’t exactly warmed up to Rhett, Ridge, or Rowan, which is on me. I’m not against the idea. I just haven’t bothered to make an effort.”

“But you will?” Jo asked.

Brady seemed to really think about the question. “I’ll consider it.”

That was as strong of an answer as we would get from him.

But I could tell he wasn’t done by the way he was eyeing me up.

“Are you going to marry her?” he asked.

“Yes.” I turned my chair to get a better angle of my oldest brother. “We’ve talked about it. She knows how I feel and what I want. And it’ll happen. We’re just going slow—as slow as we can, given that we’re going to be parents soon.”