I pulled back far enough so she could see my lips. “But I’m not a stranger anymore.”
She took a breath that was long and deep. “No?”
“You know my first and last name. You know what I like to drink. Where I live. That I’m here on business. That I prefer suites to regular rooms.” I swiped my thumb, rubbing just under her shoulder blade. “You know my scent, a cologne that has notes of burnt orange and a woody sage.”
“Funny, that’s almost exactly how I described it in my head.”
“And when I touch you”—I continued to stroke the same spot, but I lowered the tempo—“goose bumps rise over your skin.”
“How would you know that?”
I chewed the corner of my lip, pleased that she’d asked. “There.” I pointed at the small sliver of flesh that peeked out from the bottom of her dress, the inch or so before her boots began. A section she’d tried to hide earlier by tugging on the fabric, but it had ridden right back up. “Look.”
“I don’t have to.” She shivered. “I can feel them all over my body.”
“Can you imagine how it will feel when I’m tracing those bumps with my lips?” My voice lowered when I added, “And tongue?”
She’d moved the drink onto her lap and lifted it to take the final sip. “What are you doing to me, Cooper?”
“What do you want me to do?” When she went to respond, I continued, “What are your fantasies? What are the dreams that come through your mind when you close your eyes at night and lower your fingers to your pussy?” I slid my hand under her soft hair and skimmed the tips of my fingers across the back of her neck. “I want to fulfill them.”
As she inhaled, her chest rose, lifting a set of tits that I was fucking dying to flick with my tongue. “And all of this is going to go down in my room?”
“Unless you have a better location.”
Her teeth ground over her lip. “And that’s where you want to go right now?”
I nodded, the hunger making my mouth part. “Fuck yes.”
But after I’d told her she had a choice, I’d read her initial hesitation. For someone who didn’t do this often, I couldunderstand how it could be a lot. I didn’t want her to feel like I was rushing things even though my need for her was growing. I wanted her to be comfortable and content with the fact that she wanted to fuck me as badly as I wanted to fuck her.
So, I added, “How about we have another drink first?”
She glanced down at her glass. “I like that idea.”
“Except it doesn’t have to be a bourbon. Get water, soda, whatever you want.”
She turned toward the bartender, who was making his way over to us. “I’ll have another one of these”—she pointed at her glass—“and can you charge all of mine to my room? Eleven twenty-six.”
“Put all the drinks on my tab,” I insisted. “And I’ll have another one as well.”
My eyes locked with hers as the bartender’s hand tapped on the computer screen, entering our orders.
“Dominant and chivalrous.” She placed her hand on my chest, a brief look of shock in her eyes, like she was surprised by how muscular I was. “I feel like I just found myself a unicorn.”
“And giving,” I growled. “You’re soon going to experience that part of me as well.” I moaned as I took her in. “You have no idea what I’m going to do to you.”
When she put her lips close to my ear, I didn’t know what she was going to say.
Whether she had all of a sudden changed her mind or she was going to ask for more time or tell me her fantasy.
But when she whispered, “I’m already so wet,” I swore my dick got even harder.
“Mmm, yes.” My eyes closed as I thought about how that wetness would taste. “I take it you’ve made your choice, then.”