Page 124 of The Rebel

What had caused me to be so demanding.

What had made me keep him in this hallway rather than go into his room.

But this need was pulsing so hard and so fast inside me that I couldn’t go another second without feeling his lips on mine.

Without any hesitation, he slammed our mouths together, aligning our bodies, holding me against the wall, where all I could feel was the hardness behind me and in front of me.

He kissed me like we’d just said our vows.

Like there was nothing more important than locking our lips.

Like he could stand here all night, giving me everything I’d ever wanted.

I never understood the concept of time being frozen.

I’d only experienced the opposite. Where life seemed to move too fast. Where I hung on to each second, desperate to make it last longer.

But here, in this hallway, I finally understood.

Because everything had completely melted away.

It was just us.

Our lust.



Oh God.

The thought that within the next few minutes, he was going to inhale every inch of my skin.

I couldn’t wait?—

“What the fuck?!” I heard, yelled in the angriest roar, immediately cutting off my thoughts.

What the …fuck?

Before I could react—or even think—Cooper and I were suddenly pulled apart; the sensation of him leaving me was like a suction cup being peeled off a flat surface.

The sound, the movement, the speed in which he left me all made my eyes fly open.

Once they did, my heart sank.

My entire body stiffened as I processed exactly what I was seeing.

Time was no longer frozen.

It couldn’t be. Not when Rhett was standing in front of Cooper, snarling as he looked at him, his position telling me thathe’d pulled Cooper away from me, and now, his arm was raised, and his fist was flying through the air.

“No!” I screamed as my brother attempted to punch Cooper in the face.

Cooper dodged Rhett’s flying fist, and having a feeling that Cooper was going to retaliate by throwing his own punch, I moved in between the men. I spread my arms wide, keeping Cooper behind me.

“Rhett, stop it right now!”

“You want me to fucking stop?” My brother was trying to reach past me, attempting to get his hands on Cooper, but I wouldn’t let him, swatting his hand away every time he tried.