I grit my teeth and clench my jaw.Fuck! Fuck! Fuck.

She’s right. I can’t kill her. Even now, that she’s stabbed me in the back, I can’t even fathom the thought of hurting her. My chest tightens.

“You’re right. I can’t kill you, blonde,” I state, before raising my gun and aiming in the other direction. “But nothing’s stopping me from killing him.”

“No,” she breathes. She quickly moves to stand in front of her cousin. “You can’t kill him.”

“Step out of the way, Sophia.”

“You’re not going to kill him!” she shouts.

“I’m going to. Killing him would be the best way to send a message.”

From the corner of my eye, I see a car pull up beside mine. Enzo steps out and rushes towards us. I ignore him, my gaze fixed on Sophia and her cousin. He’s trying to get her to shift away but she doesn’t budge.

“Enough!” Sophia shouts, her eyes fierce. “I’ve had enough of this. Tony, drop your gun.”

“And why the hell would I do that?”

“Because I’m pregnant! Tony, I’m pregnant,” she breathes.

Air whooshes through my lungs at the proclamation. I stare at her, uncomprehending. Which is when Enzo reaches my side and grabs the gun from my hand.

“What did you say?”

Her eyes well up with tears. “I’m pregnant, Tony. I took a test last night.”

Holy fuck.

Enzo seems to be in as much shock as I am. Behind her, her cousin isn’t so surprised. He holds her arm, turning her around.

“We have to go, Soph. We have to head home,” he tells her, pulling her towards the front seat of the car.

Sophia glances at me, her eyes shining with unsaid emotions. I continue to stare, my jaw slackened as she’s led away. I have no idea what to do or say. She steps into the car. And it zooms off. I’m still in shock minutes later as Enzo gets me into a car as well.

He drives us home. Later, I’ll wonder how I even made it inside. But I’m in the living room. Some of my family members are there. Roman’s yelling in my face but I barely hear him. Elena’s seated beside me, her hand in mine, grasping it tight.

Two days later we get a message from the Mincetti’s. They’re calling for a truce. And they’ve requested a meeting between our families.



Achair is upturned in front of me and I force myself not to flinch as my dad yells in outrage. It’s been two days since he found out, honestly, these displays are getting old.

Then again if I found out my twenty five year old daughter was impregnated by a man she wasn’t even in a relationship, I’d be mad too. To top it off, said man happens to be hellbent on killing him. It’s not a good look.

For my part, I’m past the denial stage. I’ve known for three days. I spent the first day, alternating between being scared out of my mind and then being worried that Micheal was dead. There were also a few tears that day. The next day I called Rico, because I knew out of everyone in my family, he was the least likely to freak out too bad. I packed all my bags because I was worried my house had been compromised. If Michael died, I knew nothing would have stopped Tony from coming for me. I was leaving when he arrived.

I wasn’t scared when I saw him though. My heart was steady even when he pointed a gun at me. Honestly, I was more worried about how he would react when I told him about the pregnancy. When he told me about Michael, I was so relieved.

I hate that I had to leave after dropping that bomb on him though. But Rico got me out of there too fast for me to even glean how he felt about it. Apart from the apparent shock of course. I’ve been in my family’s home since then. Rico helped me to come clean. As expected they were furious. At least my dad was. Katerina hasn’t said a word to me since she found out. She’s hiding out in her room.

I knew she’d be the most shaken by the news. I disappointed her. And by hiding everything, I hurt her as well.

“Calm down, Papa,” I say gently.

When he glares at me, I clamp my mouth shut.