I’m trying to wrap my head around everything he’s saying. The docks. Michael was shot at the docks because the Mincetti’s found about how weapons shipment. He’s right. It doesn’t make sense that they found out. Unless…

I run my hands over my face. I’ve known about the shipments for months. But I wouldn’t have. Would I?

“Talk to me, Tony!” Roman yells. “Do we have a mole? Were we bugged or something?”

My heart sinks at that.Could I have been bugged?

I can feel the rest of our family turning to look at us.

“This is-” I swallow softly. “It’s my fault. All of it. I’m the reason Michael almost died.”

Roman’s eyes narrow. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

I can’t look him in the eyes right now. My hands clench into fists as I stare at a spot over his head. If there was ever any moment to come clean, that moment is now.

“I’ve been-” I falter for a second. “I’ve been seeing Sophia Mincetti.”

I hear a gasp from one of the women. Enzo steps forward immediately. So many emotions pass across Roman’s face at once.

“Since when?” he asks, his voice hard.

“A couple of weeks,” I answer. “More than a month.”

His eyes widen and he takes a step backward.

Enzo takes over. “What do you mean you’ve been seeing her? Like dating? Why the hell would you do that? You hate her family.”

I grit my teeth as my head starts to ache. I have no idea how to explain.

“We weren’t dating. It’s hard to explain,” I mutter.

Enzo’s expression turns pensive. “That’s how you were able to figure out where their headquarters are.”

“Yeah,” I nod. “And I think she might have bugged me. Or fuck! I don’t know. Maybe I told her about the shipment by accident. We got drunk together one night, maybe I mentioned it. I don’t know, okay?”

“You don’t know,” Enzo says frowning.

“I didn’t mean for this to happen,” I say groaning.

Roman’s eyes narrow onto mine. And I’ve never seen him so angry.

“Tony, I’m going to fucking murder you!” he yells moving towards me.

Almost immediately my sister appears in front of me.

“No!” she shouts. “Calm down. Everybody calm the hell down.”

A muscle ticks in Roman’s jaw but he does as his wife asked. Very slowly, Elena turns to me.

“Tony, what did you do?”

My head hits the wall behind me and my eyes flutter shut, “I don’t know,sorella. But I’m going to fix it.’

Despite how horrible I feel about betraying and disappointing my family, my heart hurts even more at the thought that Sophia was responsible for all this. My best friend almost died and it’s all her fault.

Michael’s alive though, that’s all that matters right now.

When we get the full report of what happened at the docks and I hear that she was actually present for everything, the rage building inside of me further intensifies. Before anyone can stop me, I’m slipping away. I hear Enzo call my name but it doesn’t matter. I head into my car and I’m driving towards her house.