Something in my gut drops as I realize I may have used protection with Tony that first time. But after then, we’ve slept together a lot more times. And right now I’m thinking about the one time we didn’t. The one time he forgot.

But there’s no way. I made sure we were safe after.I can’t be pregnant!

“Okay,” she nods. “Alright, let’s go into Papa’s office for our last minute orders.”

I follow her out the room, my mind still all over the place. By the time we arrive in front of my father’s office, I’ve convinced myself it’s just a fluke. I’ll buy a pregnancy test later though, just to be sure. And by the time I do I can put this whole thing behind me.

But first, I need to get through tonight. There are about ten men standing in the room when we arrive. I arch an eyebrow at the sight of Dimitri in the corner.

“You’re letting him come too?” I ask, unable to keep the slight irritation from my voice.

He glares at me, “No one’s letting me do anything, Sophia. I’m coming because apparently this is my mess and I want to help fix things.”

Yeah.. I don’t trust him. But I don’t say anything else. His ego has taken a severe beating in the past few days. Plus, now that he’s fucked up so monumentally, I know there’s no way my Papa’s marrying me off to him. At least that’s one good thing to come out of all this.

“Okay listen up,” my dad says snapping his fingers. He’s standing in the middle of the room to address us. “Katerina’s in charge of this mission. We’ve learned that the De Luca’s are getting a shipment of weapons tonight. Arms dealing is what helps to keep their family afloat. Steal their weapons and we can cripple them, at least temporarily. I have it on good authority that this shipment is particularly important. So we get in, steal them and keep them at least until they’re ready to negotiate and talk about the information they were able to steal from us. It should be an easy job, we go in, get out. Understand?”

Seems simple enough. But one thing I know for sure is that things like this never go according to plan.

Papa nods in Katerina’s direction and she steps forward, looking every bit the leader she is, in combat joggers and a black jacket. Her blonde hair has been braided backward.

She starts to speak, “I feel the need to reiterate that we have no plans to kill anyone tonight-”

“Which is bullshit,” Dimitri says, interrupting her.

Katerina arches an eyebrow turning to him, “What?”

“They killed five men and you’re not going to get revenge?”

My sisters’ eyes are hard as she stares at him.

“We are getting revenge but if we start killing them off one by one this won’t end until we’re all dead. There is such a thing as being smart. Think with your head and not with your fists, okay Dimitri?”

He rolls his eyes before looking away.

“Alright,” Kat says, clapping her hands. “Let’s move out to the docks. The delivery’s in an hour. We need to time our ambush perfectly.”

We leave the building heading into the cars to transport us out. I’m in the front seat beside Rico who’s driving.

“You’re worried something will go wrong?” he asks after a few minutes.

“I’ve got a bad feeling,” I mutter.

“It’ll be okay.”

As it turns out, things end up not being okay. It’s going well, at first. The De Luca’s had five men stationed to receive the shipment. Five men that we’re able to subdue pretty easily. We manage to get hold of it as soon as it arrives and we’re transporting the weapons when a car arrives, flashing it’s light. I watch as Michael De Luca steps outside.

He only need to take one look at us surrounding the docks before he’s grabbing a gun from within his jacket. But he’s unable to even aim before a shot goes rings out. It comes from Dimitri’s direction.

I let out a strangled gasp as it hits Michael in the chest and he goes down. Before I can even think twice, I’m running towards him.

“Oh God, oh God,” I cry, leaning over him. “Are you okay? Michael!”

I press my hand to the bullet wound that has blood rapidly seeping out. My eyes well with tears. He’s Tony’s best friend. They’re closer than brothers.

“Michael!” I scream. “Please, please, please.”

I can’t think about anything else right now. All I can see is Michael. His eyes are shut and he’s so pale.