He doesn’t reply and I don’t send any other texts. I’m too upset and I have no idea what to say. I’ll deal with him later. Right now, I need to help my family figure this mess out.

* * *

There’sbloodstains on the walls. Dead bodies on the floor. And for the first time the gravity of this situation hits me. It could have been anyone. They could have killed someone I really cared about. Right now, there are five men on the floor. I don’t know their names, I promise myself I’ll learn them. I’ll find out about their families as well. Because they didn’t deserve to die. They’re paying for the sins of someone else. Of two people actually.

As I watch my father yell at Dimitri, I can’t help but think that he’s also to blame. If only he hadn’t killed Tony’s mother. Why did he have to do that her? To him.

The thoughts feel traitorous. Especially since I might be the biggest traitor of all. And at the end of the day, I was the one that led them right to our doorstep. I’m not dumb enough to admit that though.

“I was going to return her in the morning!” Dimitri yells back. “How the fuck was I supposed to know those bastards cared enough to break in here?”

He might really have a death wish.

My father’s eyes darken and the air in the room chills several degrees. He levels a stare at the dark haired man in his friend of him.

“Listen and listen well, boy, if anything further goes wrong due to your recklessness, I’ll make you pay. I don’t care who your father is, do you understand?”

Dimitri crosses his arm over his chest and scoffs, “You can’t speak to me that way, not unless you want to break your precious alliance.”

Papa steps forward and wraps an arm around his throat.

“Do you really think I care? You think something as measly as an alliance with your family would be enough to break the Mincetti’s?” his voice booms. He squeezes even tighter. Dimitri’s bigger and much stronger than my father and yet he’s struggling in his grip.

Its times like this I remember how scary Papa can be. None of us in the room make a move to help Dimitri.

Papa continues, “And I’ll have you know that sending you here was for nothing. He can’t break his alliance with me. Not unless he wants me exposing all his little secrets and misdeeds. I’ve spent years collecting blackmail material. And you better pray it hasn’t ended up in the De Luca’s hands thanks to your stupidity. Do you understand?”

Dimitri nods hurriedly. He’s starting to turn a little red when my father lets go. He lets out a ragged breath, clutching his throat. Papa walks toward Sophia who is seated trying to look through our systems.

“Have you been able to find out what they took, mia cara?”

“One second, Papa. They took a flash drive in your safe. It’s encoded so it’ll take a while for them to break through it but if they’re able to do so I’ll be able to slip inside and figure out what files they have access to. I can’t stop them from seeing it. But I could slip through undetected and get access to their private files as well.”

“Which means?”

“I can find information on them as well. And maybe we can use it against them before they use theirs against us.”

“Alright, get to work,” Papa says.

He turns to the rest of us.

“Rico, tighten security and make sure this building has guards watching every hallway and door.”

My cousin nods and heads out. Papa asks his brother to make sure this doesn’t get out. We don’t want anyone else thinking we’re easy targets.

“Sophia, I want you to contact the families of the deceased and take care of planning their funerals,” he tells me.

“Yeah, I will.”

“This is nothing but a minor hiccup,” he announces. “We’ll get through this. Alright.”

We all nod and Papa leaves. Everyone starts to disperse until it’s only me and Katerina in the room. I get to work making a few calls, while she works on her hacking.

“Hey, are you okay?” my sister asks a few minutes later.


“You look a little pale. Are you sick?”