Christian’s silent for a beat, “Why not just ask him?”

I shrug, “Because, he’s obviously keeping secrets. And if he is that means he can’t be trusted.”

“He’s your father,” Christian states and I can hear the slight disbelief in his voice.

Most people in our world have this sense of family above all else. And while I completely agree with that and I would absolutely die for them, I also don’t blindly believe in mine.

“Sure, but not everything in life is sunshine and roses. If he has something to hide I want to know what it is and I’m sure as hell he won’t tell me just cause I ask.”

“Hmm,” Christian says making a soft noise in the back of his throat. “You’re not a very trusting person, are you?”

“I’ve only survived this long because I’m not,” I return. “Now, your information. Tell me.”

He leans back and clears his throat. “I wasn’t able to find out much. This happened over a decade ago. But what I was able to find out is that your dad does have a connection to the Mincetti’s. I looked into our archives and when your dad joined the De Luca’s, my father made sure to look into him. He was the consigliere so I’m guessing he wanted to know about him.”

I listen intently, patiently waiting for him to get to the point.

“My father found out the Mincetti family was looking to recruit him,” Christian continues. “I’m guessing your dad turned him down and things turned ugly. Your mom disappeared in the middle of it. Which is all I’ve been able to find out.”

I arch an eyebrow. “You’re kidding.”

“No,” Christian shakes his head. “It was a long time ago. You’re lucky I was even able to find that out. All I can tell you is that whatever happened to your mom, the Mincetti’s were probably involved.”

I grit my teeth. “I’m getting sick of hearing about that fucking family.”

“You’re right though. Your father’s keeping something from you. He knows much more than he’s letting on.”

I don’t say anything. My mind whirs as I try to think of my next steps. After deciding on something, I get to my feet.

“Thanks for the information,” I tell him. “You’re a real one, Chris.”

His eyes narrow. “I still think you should talk to your father. Or Roman.”

“I’m not going to. And you won’t tell Roman anything.”

Christian’s eyes grow colder. “Careful, Tony. That almost sounded like an order. I’d watch your tone.”

“My apologies, Don. But I need your word that my family won’t find out what you’ve just told me.”

He doesn’t say anything, his expression thoughtful. Seconds tick by and I start to grow impatient. I get the irrational urge to grab my gun from my waistband and press the barrel against his head. But I don’t. I’m not that stupid.

“Fine. You have my word.”

I nod and start to walk away.

“Tony,” Christian says, stopping me. “This seems like a path you don’t want to take. You should be careful.”

“Thanks for the advice. But this is a path I absolutely want to take. Right now I’m Alice in a fantasy world and I’ve got to crawl out of the fucking hole.”

Christian offers me a bemused smile.

“Anyway, thanks again. I’ll see you around, Chris.”

He frowns, “Stop calling me that.”

I chuckle as I walk away. As soon as I get into my car however, an uneasy expression settles in my gut. I start the car heading for the meeting Roman called for this morning. I’m already twenty minutes late. I arrive to find it underway. A few of the capos who are higher up are gathered in the room. Michael’s behind Roman as he addresses them on the series of slip ups that have been occurring over the past few weeks.

We’ve been having to bail out too many of our men for drug possession, illegal firearm possession, it’s a hassle. And Roman’s pissed. I notice my dad in the corner, watching silently. That’s all he has done practically all my life, be involved in the business but not out there. A silent prowler I guess. Which is why he’s fucking great at what he does. He takes everything in and makes sure to fix our problems.